Question for Aronson Stack (or any stack)

Jun 9, 2019
Hi, recently I decided to commit to learning Aronson stack and I know it will help me in my future of magic. I've tried many methods on learning and none have worked well for me. One idea that I've heard however sounds promising. The idea of listening to a song with the cards and numbers in it. Since it is a lesser known stack I have been unable to find the stack to a tune and it is making it very hard for me to learn, especially because it would not turn out as well making my own. Does anybody have any resources for this, or other ways to help learn the stack that are less common? Any responses would be much appreciated.

Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
We all learn different ways audibly(song works), visually(seeing it) , or conceptually(Making up stories that go with the stack)(Yes that is from the Juan Tamariz book Mnemonica). What I can tell you is that from what I have read Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz is the best stack so you might want to learn that one as well. I want to learn the Aronson Stack as well but the best stack right now is Mnemonica. There are Calculus stacks(Si Stebbins), Mnemonic Stacks(8 Kings), and Memorized Stacks(Shuffle a deck and memorize).....Each one has its pros and cons... I don't have much experience with stacked decks so I'll let someone else take over from here. I guess you will have to go with which one suits you best and which learning method works for you. Hope this helps. :)
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Does anybody have any resources for this, or other ways to help learn the stack that are less common? Any responses would be much appreciated.

Tamariz talks about a method of learning in Mnemonica that works well. It combines multiple methods mentioned by @Gabriel Z and includes some great tips on what to memorize.

For a song, make up your own. Base it on Jingle Bells, Mary Had a Little Lamb or some other simple tune. Can you sing the ABC Song? Just use that as a model.
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Jun 9, 2019
We all learn different ways audibly(song works), visually(seeing it) , or conceptually(Making up stories that go with the stack)(Yes that is from the Juan Tamariz book Mnemonica). What I can tell you is that from what I have read Mnemonica by Juan Tamariz is the best stack so you might want to learn that one as well. I want to learn the Aronson Stack as well but the best stack right now is Mnemonica. There are Calculus stacks(Si Stebbins), Mnemonic Stacks(8 Kings), and Memorized Stacks(Shuffle a deck and memorize).....Each one has its pros and cons... I don't have much experience with stacked decks so I'll let someone else take over from here. I guess you will have to go with which one suits you best and which learning method works for you. Hope this helps. :)

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Jun 9, 2019
Tamariz talks about a method of learning in Mnemonica that works well. It combines multiple methods mentioned by @Gabriel Z and includes some great tips on what to memorize.

For a song, make up your own. Base it on Jingle Bells, Mary Had a Little Lamb or some other simple tune. Can you sing the ABC Song? Just use that as a model.

Okay, I'll try that, just wish there was one already made as I don't know if I'll be able to listen to my voice on repeat lol. I have tried those methods he described but still not much....
Apr 26, 2013
Can't help with the song but I learnt the Aronson stack quite easily using the Peg method, you can learn it from Harry Lorayne or Derren Brown's Tricks of the mind, or probably any quick Google search.

And despite what you might have heard earlier in the Thread, there isn't a 'best' stack, in isolation they're all equal. The best for you will be the magicians who have work on that stack and which appeals to you the most.
Mnemonica is a great book, but the stack is no good to me because I don't care about the features it has and I don't want to do the kind of tricks Tamariz does with it. The Aronson stack is way better for me because it has some cool features built in and the material that uses it is far more my kind of thing, closer to mentalism in a lot of ways.

Either way I hope you're getting on OK with it!
Jan 29, 2019
If you're still having trouble there's a book called The Memory Arts by Sarah TRustman. Her and her husband are magicians and specialize in mnemonics. Their method of memorizing things is super awesome and visual. The book also teaches Aronson and Mnemonica.
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