Racherbaumer's Laws

I was just flipping through The Collected Almanac and stumbled upon the Jon Racherbaumer's one man issue. I found the "Racherbaumer's Laws" section to be quite humorous. So all of you that own the Almanac, check it out; page 100-101. Here are some of my favorites:

"Purist's Observation - The only way to make a trick foolproof is to keep it out of the hands of fools"

"Underground Saying - Xerography is the sincerest form of ripoff."

"When over-pricing an item, make the price INVERSELY proportional to the number made...THEN LIE ABOUT THE NUMBER BEING MADE!"

"[When publishing another's trick under your own name] make certain to claim having shown the said trick to other, making sure the "others" are famous or deceased."

"Make certain to perform said trick at magic gatherings and conventions, preferably for crowds of uninformed. Preface each performance with the line 'Here is something I once showed __________, fooling him completely.' Insert a name that carries weight. If you are old enough, use names like Houdini, Malini, and Leipzig. Younger cardmen should cite Vernon or Marlo. Those old enough to cite Hofziner don't need to SAY anything."
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