
Sep 30, 2007
Ok I thought I would give an in depth review of the new 1on1 that I keep seeing posts pop up about. I keep reading posts about people complain that guys dont carry chapstick, asking if its impromptu, etc. So I will be going over these in my review. So enjoy

So the basic effect as I am sure you already know is a magician takes the cap off a stick of chapstick and magically makes it appear in an instant back onto the chapstick.

The effect only requires one move and the move is an easy one. Some people may find it harder than I did, but I have done effects that use this same move so it came easy to me. So this effect is in no means a knuckle buster. Yes there is a setup but the setup takes a minute if that. Once your chapstick is setup it will always be ready to go, just pull it out of your pocket and impress people with your skillz.

So does this effect hit hard?
I have performed it infront of people and I have noticed a few things. Myself, I dont believe this is an effect that you announce before you do it. What I mean is if someone asks to see a trick don't go "sure, I will show you a trick with some chapstick." What I have found out that works the best is if someone asks to see something I will go "sure" I will pull out the chapstick and say "sorry my lips are chapped. Let me put some chapstick on first." I than proceed to take the cap off and start putting the chapstick on and the cap jumps back on and I act surprised. I then take the cap off again and put it in my pocket and then I put the chapstick on my lips and then I shake the chapstick and make the cap "magically" jump back on the chapstick which was in my pocket a second before. I put the chapstick away and say "ok ready for some magic?" Now the reason I do this is first off I do not like doing the throwing the cap and it goes back on because I have found that people look at that as more of a stunt. I have used this presentation and people dont seem as impressed. Almost like ring thing, people will say "thats not magic that just takes practice." or something along those lines. And when I hold the cap in one hand and the chapstick in the other they expect something to happen and people have noticed something "odd" about the chapstick which I cant say because of exposure. So for me using it as an icebreaker and something people arent expecting works best for me. And don't be fooled by how simple this is. it hits hard if presented right. I did a small house party lastnight and used it as my first effect to "season" the audience and they loved it!

Ok, now for the main reason that I decided to do a review on this effect.
I am getting tired of people asking a thousand questions trying to figure out the method and people saying they arent impressed and so on. Like mentioned above and like it has been mentioned many times within the past few days. There is a setup but only takes a minute and thats the only time you will need the setup. If you are someone like me that cant leave without chapstick in your pocket than once setup you are ready to go, so this is impromptu. I know many people say that since there is a setup that its not impromptu. Everyone has their own meaning to impromptu, to me it means a spur of the moment effect that you can do right away if needed or someone asks. Is healed and sealed impromptu? Well depends, if you have to go into the other room and set it up and come out and do the effect than no, if you already have it set up and you reach into a garbage can or pick up the "normal" empty can on the ground and do the effect than yes. Same with Redline once its setup you are always ready, so to me that makes this impromptu.

RebelAce69 actually did a nice little FAQ and here is the link to it Also, as I have read some people posting on here that they arent impressed with the effect by watching the preview. If the preview doesnt impress you then the effect wont either because like Criss Angel always says "what you see is what you get" except this time it's the truth. What you see in the demo is just what you get with the effect and nothing more and nothing less. And the last thing. I keep hearing the question
"can you hand it out for inspection?"
Why would you need to? Its not something strange to the audience. I am sure just about every single person has seen chapstick before. It is not like it's some weird magician prop or you are doing something beyond belief with the chapstick. You are taking the cap off and magically making it jump back on. While it is amazing and really impressive to the audience, its just not something that would make your audience suspicious that the chapstick has been tampered with. Its straight to the point magic, and thats the magic I love.

This is the first 1on1 I have purchased and this is the first review I have done also. So needless to say I really love this effect. This effect is why I feel theory11 is pulling away from the competition. This effect is different from the normal effects we keep seeing being thrown at us like coins, cards, etc. yes I love card magic and yes I love coins and spongeballs, but this effect uses a normal everyday item that so many people are used to seeing someone have in their pocket and being able to do something amazing with it is just awesome. So cheers to you all and cheers to this effect because I love it!! Any questions or coments feel free to ask or pm:D
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Oct 28, 2007
damn now that is a wall 'o' text!

nice umm review well i would say it is like a mix of answering question and your views on the presentation style you prefer and a review in one. kind of confusing but cool.

for your next review please space it and stuff to make it easier to read because my eyes are bleeding! :p
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