Reset : Aces Change Color?

Sep 1, 2007
When performing Reset, do you think it's more advisable to have let's say a red Ace change to a red king, or is it better to mix it up and have a red Ace change to a black king?

Some may say keep it the same, as it makes more sense. Others would say switching colors would mask the discrepancy better.

What are your thoughts?
Apr 28, 2008
I've never really given it much thought, sometimes at the end I might say the Ace of clubs changes into the King of Clubs. This implies that each Ace has been changing into the matching King.

Although, I think spectators simply notice that a King has appeared, not the suit.

In all the times i've performed this i've never once been called on the discrepancy regardless of the colour of the kings.
Sep 1, 2007
It doesn't matter as long as you don't call attention to the suits. If the first ace is the ace of clubs and it changes to the king of clubs they may wonder why the rest of the aces won't change to their suit matching kings. If you don't worry about the suits, they won't worry about them either.


Jun 26, 2008
San Francisco, California
1. Card Magic Forum.

2. As Miika said, it won't matter unless you call attention to it. When I perform my Reset effect, I just refer to them as the "Aces", and when the change, it's changed into "a King", not "the King of Diamonds".



Jun 26, 2008
San Francisco, California
Plus, when the colors change, it's more visual because of the contrast between the two colors.

Yes, but the reason this thread was started is because of the discrepancy of the cards changing suits. For example, why would an Ace of Hearts turn into a King of Clubs, instead of the King of Hearts?

I think he's got it now,
Sep 1, 2007
In a lot of reset effects you can't call attention to the suits anyway, because not all of the suits show up...
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