Saturday Night Contest - Michael's Secret Vacation

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Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
What's up everyone? Casey asked if I could fill in this week for the SNC, so I thought I would bring back an old favorite that had a big response last time.

Your mission this evening is to prove to us that yu have psychic powers (or at least fool us into thinking you do) by guessing something that only our own Michael James Herp knows. He has been slaving away working hard on his upcoming project Solo and many other theory11 productions. We thought we wouod tease him with the idea of a vacation he is too busy to take.

Below is a picture of Michael holding a piece of paper. On the other side of this paper is Michael's dream vacation location. You have ONE (1, UNO) guess at the location. Post your guess below. The first person to correctly identify the location (or, if nobody guesses correctly, the guess closest geographically) wins a pair of each color of the new Aristocrat playing cards. These are the babies that the Aristocrat card stock was named for. There is nothing else like it.

Your only hint - It is a city, somewhere on planet Earth.

Get to it. You have until 11 PM EST. We will announce the winner as soon after the deadline as it takes to determine the winner.

Good luck.


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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Thanks Lyle! Just got back to my brother's dorm after the Clemson vs. FSU game! Fight tigers fight tigers fight fight fight! Woohoo!

Definitely a great Saturday. Good luck to everyone entering tonight! A great day to be a Tiger, AND a part of this team. Cheers to that!
Nov 16, 2010
What's up everyone? Casey asked if I could fill in this week for the SNC, so I thought I would bring back an old favorite that had a big response last time.

Your mission this evening is to prove to us that yu have psychic powers (or at least fool us into thinking you do) by guessing something that only our own Michael James Herp knows. He has been slaving away working hard on his upcoming project Solo and many other theory11 productions. We thought we wouod tease him with the idea of a vacation he is too busy to take.

Below is a picture of Michael holding a peice of paper. On the other side of this paper is Michael's dream vacation location. You have ONE (1, UNO) guess at the location. Post your guess below. The first person to correctly identify the location (or, if nobody guesses correctly, the guess closest geographically) wins a pair of each color of the new Aristocrat playing cards. These are the babies that the Aristocrat card stock was named for. There is nothing else like it.

Your only hint - It is a city, somewhere on planet Earth.

Get to it. You have until 11 PM EST. We will announce the winner as soon after the deadline as it takes to determine the winner.

Good luck.


rio de janeiro
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