Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions for 2022!


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great weekend! As 2021 came to a close, we were reminded of everything we have done over the past year and where it has gotten us heading into the new year. It's always exciting to begin a new year, so first and foremost, Happy New Year from all of us at theory11!

We want to know - in your own words - what you feel you have accomplished over this last year (2021) in magic, cardistry, or card collecting. Some of you may have performed your first show, others may have come up with a cool idea or concept that found its way into your repertoire, or maybe you just discovered the art or card collecting and want to share how it's impacted your life. The contest tonight is simple - tell us about it.

In addition, we want to know what your resolutions are for this next year - 2022. What are your goals? What would you like to see yourself accomplish in magic, cardistry, or card collecting over the coming year? We want to hear about it!

Because this is a written contest, everyone of you is free to participate. Submissions should be posted as responses to this thread - and all entries must be in by tomorrow, Sunday, January 2nd at 11:00pm EST for judging. We will review the posts and announce the winner (selected at random) once time is up. Note that submissions can vary in length - but are limited to 500 words, maximum.

The winner takes home 1,000 Elite Member Points, a deck of Gold Artisans, and 6 Decks of your choice (they have to currently be in stock).

We look forward to reading through all of your accomplishments, aspirations, thoughts, and goals!


Elite Member
Oct 29, 2018
Hello everyone,
Hope everyone got well into the new year and that will be a bright new coming year for everyone.
For me 2021 was definetly a succesfull year, i rediscovered magic and spend alot of time on studying it and practicing more then ever before. And that is thanks to the pandemic wich gave me lots of time to rediscover myself, i went and did some street magic and even a small magic show, i got the oportunity to perform at tables into a restaurant every evening, but i did kick it because i did not feel ready and was way to nervous around people still, i won one SNC wich was something big for me and kinda gave me more motivation to continue do magic, I made some new cool friends here on theory 11's forums, I met magicians, talked to magicians, and everithing seems so big and exciting still, so im ready for what 2022 brings, to make it a magical year!
Happy New Year!
Cant wait to read all the other entrys!
Dec 7, 2021
This year has been a big one for me. I started my card collection, and hope to keep expanding it. I had my first magic show, created multiple tricks, and developed as a magician. In 2022 I hope to expand my collection get tricks into the Marketplace, and become an elite member. But going forward I think I have to look at every action, and choice I make. Because most of the time you don’t get a redo. So going forward I am going to spend more time paying close attention to the things that don’t matter as much, and try to make the world a better place using our craft. Magic. When people see something incredible they can change. When people tell me that I inspired their kid, or got them into magic, I feel a deep warm feeling that makes me want to keep going. Because everything we do effects someone in someway. So why not make that effect be positive?

Have a happy happy happy 2022!

And this year try to make some positive change to the people around you.

I am a Magician

Elite Member
Nov 19, 2018
The past year has been filled with many negative moments and events, but it also had many good and positive moments. I believe that it is important to look at the positives and to stay with more optimism in life.
In the past year I have slowly been getting more and more into practicing tricks as well as engaging more with the community.
I believe that surrounding ourselves with people who share the same interests and things you love is one of the most important things to do.
This upcoming year is full of many surprises, both negative and positive. We need to stay optimistic and fondly anticipate the happy moments this year will bring us. Every new year is better than the last in its own way and I hope it brings us all much needed happiness.
I hope everyone stays close with their loved ones (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) and develop and enhance the relationship you have with them. I hope to be able to do that more.
I want to be able to practice card handling skills more and to discover new effects and methods. I also want to be more confident in showing effects.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.
Dec 7, 2021
The past year has been filled with many negative moments and events, but it also had many good and positive moments. I believe that it is important to look at the positives and to stay with more optimism in life.
In the past year I have slowly been getting more and more into practicing tricks as well as engaging more with the community.
I believe that surrounding ourselves with people who share the same interests and things you love is one of the most important things to do.
This upcoming year is full of many surprises, both negative and positive. We need to stay optimistic and fondly anticipate the happy moments this year will bring us. Every new year is better than the last in its own way and I hope it brings us all much needed happiness.
I hope everyone stays close with their loved ones (family, friends, colleagues, etc.) and develop and enhance the relationship you have with them. I hope to be able to do that more.
I want to be able to practice card handling skills more and to discover new effects and methods. I also want to be more confident in showing effects.
I hope everyone has a Happy New Year.
That’s really beautifully written! Happy new year.


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
Not much happened in 2021 for me magic wise, this had been a tough year, infact I have just realized I have not held a deck for months, the only achievement I could remember is that earlier in january of this year, when everyone was under lockdowns I had time to learn stuff, got into coding, made a magic app and submitted to some companies and to my surprise I actually got a reply from E. Later I found out that I reinvented the wheel, so getting a reply was an achievement for me. For the new years resolution I want to get back to cards magic again even if times are a bit tough


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
I spent 2021 collecting many great card decks and sets. What I have done is not so much for me but about my son. He is a good casual magician but unfortunately time to practice is difficult as his work keeps him busy so I have decided to purchase what I can so when he is ready to make magic a larger part of his life he will have something he can be proud of. 2021 also gave me the opportunity to purchase some off beat magic so these also part of his life. I hope 2022 will allow me to engage more in T11 forums and meet some great individuals and learn a touch more of who they are and where they come from. Unfortunately the new virus is taking a nasty turn here in Australia so I am not hopeful the world will open up and for this I hope all the T11 family keep safe and protect all their loved one...thanks all and everything each of can to get through the year so we can all....spin the wheel again....Peter in Oz


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
Oh geez…resolutions…I have a habit of biting off more than I can chew with these. I have things I want to do versus time available🤣 I didn’t hit all my magic goals from last year but this year was much better for me than the previous. Part of this was because some the things that were put on hold last year were finally able to get the attention they needed this year. I invested in friends and family more, both magic friends and muggles. I learned a bit about better balancing where my time and effort should go magic wise and made some steps to continue that thru lessons and jamming with other hobbyists and magicians. I hope my friendships continue to grow and the fun continues this year!

Nikolay Karagyozov

Elite Member
Jun 22, 2012
Happy new year, Guys!

Last year I didnt get to perform, so thata kind of the downside of it (in personal aspect, of course). I managed to collect a lot of playing cards, though, I found myself being such an enthusiast.
For the next year.. I am hoping to be focus my energy more on practicing and performing, rather than collecting.
Anyhow, I wish everyone a health and wealth 2022! Stay safe!



Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Happy New Year! Past Covid-years were tough especially emotionally! Studying and working in covid hospital where you are surrounded by the fight against death and you try to be positve for people really hard. And for me cardistry and magic stuff is really good way to get away from it ( learn some new moves or tricks). Most important resolution - try to visit cardistry con 2022! Big thanks to T11 for gorgeous HP decks because Im a big fan of HP since 1st book and Holiday contest! Stay safe guys and good luck!
Nov 29, 2020
Good Evening ladies and gents, children of all ages! Happy 2022 to everyone! I'm hoping for more improvement. To shed what wasn't working and to build upon what is! One of the best things in 2021 for me was finding such magical literature as I did. I'm so thankful for the great books of old. These helped me progress along with diligent practice and putting my self out there! In 2022 my goal is to revive some bits that have laid dormant along with bits of my own design! I'm sure to delight and awe-inspire the public. Looking for my crew has become more challenging than preforming in this art we like to call magic! Currently in need of a reliable camera person from the Buffalo, NY area! Taking applicants @trey_herms dm me with qualifying attributes! Making 2022 my best year yet despite the dismal past 2.

Best wishes to ALL and to all be grand and sublime! 🥳


Elite Member
Jul 7, 2020
Hey, everyone. This year was, well… interesting. That’s a way to put it, I guess. This was actually merely the beginning of my second year through magic, and I am definitely still on the road to improvement. But this was quite a great year for me in magic as well. I’ve been practicing over the phone with some friends of mine who moved, and (while sometimes, appreciably, brutally honest) they have given me some great advice. “Oh, you flashed a bit here,” or “this presentation is great!” I experimented with marked decks a lot on my loving sibling, seeing what deck I could read smoothly without much hesitation. But, I recently had an idea for a virtual magic trick that’s quite visual, and I’m planning on using some of the great video equipment I was lucky enough to get this Christmas to create a video for Marketplace publishing. All I have so far is a prototype, but this might be an initial breakthrough for me.

This next year, though, I want to be more adventurous. Reach out of my normal, comfortable boundaries, and try new things! If an effect uses weird, uncomfortable handling, then I won’t put it down, but rather keep trying! If I’m on the fence about publishing/showing off my new cardistry move, then I’ll do it! I want to commit to trying out these difficult moves or weird effects, as they can sometimes be the most fun!

Good luck to everyone, and happy new year! We finally made it!

- Perplexity
Dec 4, 2018
What's up, friends?

I'm no cardist or magician. I don't have the coordination for that kind of stuff. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is the real master. He's so good at it and I love watching him do his thing. He's really the one who made me realize that there is a standard for playing cards and helped me appreciate quality decks.

Personally, I didn't do a lot this year in the vein of cards. Any decks I purchased were gifts for the bf to add to his collection. This year, I hope to maybe add a few more to my own. Maybe pick up a card trick or two to impress a couple people with. ;)
Sep 16, 2020
Happy 2022 to everyone 🙂!

This year I participated in a magic show for the first time. I still remember it, my performance was not the best, I personally was not happy with myself, but I continued to participate in shows and listen to the feedback that other experienced magicians gave me. I think that from my first participation in a show until now I have quite a big improvement in entertaining the audience and leaving them happy after the show (this is my top 1 goal). Also this year I got some very interesting decks and I am considering starting my own collection.

My goals for 2022 are to continue and develop my card collection and become better at entertaining people with this art and leaving them amazed.

I hope this year will be magical for all of you :)!
Jan 23, 2021
2021 has been special as I got to revisit my magic passion and became more active, also on theory11. Winning my first SNC this summer has definitely been a true highlight in the journey! I am also very grateful for the community at OPC and my hangout group. Very much looking forward to grow in magic performances in 2022 and getting to know more people who share the same passion! Happy new year to you all :D


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Much of 2021 is a blur. I've rekindled my interests in cooking good food and enjoying wine. I lost 30 pounds (by only cooking and eating good food on weekends). I started going to the gym and working with a personal trainer. I got a lot of projects done around the house. I had a lot of fun as a BSA Scout leader (helping start a Troop for girls and continuing as the Scoutmaster of the boy Troop) and in camping, hiking and backpacking. Our magic group on Discord sort of faded (much of that being my fault but some of it being everyone getting back to our busy lives). After June, there was some reading of magic books, but it seemed that I was too busy with the rest of life to do much more than read a couple pages in a book before falling asleep.

For 2022, I'm still trying to decide. I'd love to find the motivation to finish some effects I've been working on for years. I'd love to work with others in helping them develop shows. Maybe I'll do a series of online workshops. I'd love to perform more -- which isn't a big hurdle because I've not performed for anyone except my family and the Discord magic group for the last two years.

The one goal I have is to join a SAM or IBM group. Not sure if they are back to meeting in person, but I think that would be a good motivator to me to learn, practice and perform.
Dec 4, 2020
Happy New Year, everyone!
My 2021 was filled with firsts: my first perfect clipshift, my first original magic, my first cardistry and my first show. I read countless books, Asi Wind's Repertoire, Tricks of the Mind and Pure Effect by Derren Brown, Cardshark by Darwin Ortiz, The Best of Slydini by Karl Fulves, and more. I hadn't been much of a cardistry guy myself, but I did start practicing a few cardistry moves and flourishes. I got down The Werm by the buck twins, my first ever card flourish. I am working on Epidural, currently. My first show was an exhilarating experience, I definitely couldn't ask for a more appreciative or responsive audience for a first show.
For 2022, I want to focus on presentational theory and theory on magic more. I have already started reading Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz. I want to learn the snap deal, so going to focus on that. I also have a resolution to include more coin work into my repertoire, I don't do much coin magic. Definitely want to learn more cardistry; it's super fun. And I also want to get down Undertow perfectly by the Buck Twins from If An Octopus Could Palm. My Undertow works, but is not very good.
Looking forward to reading everyone else's answers as well. A very happy start of the year to everyone.
Nov 16, 2021
Happy New Year, Guys!

This year has been the most successful for me and my development in this amazing art! For the first time in my life, I went on stage. I've gathered the courage to perform magic on the streets. I saw the amazing reactions of people, after which I was inspired to keep doing this! The end of July month and the beginning of August this year I met the amazing magicians from Magic Bar Sofia, with whom I continue to exchange great ideas and experiences. There I learned and continue to learn a lot of useful things about behavior on stage, and how to react if an effect does not happen. This year I started to develop more and another favorite thing of mine, namely card collecting. The most I collect the cards in theory 11, because I very much like cards with complex designs. My favorite decks of the brand for now are gold Artisan, purple Monarch and yellow Harty Potter. My other many favourites decks are Orbit, Fountain and all cardistry cards in general.
For 2022, my main ambitions are participating in a magic competition, a large set of cards for my collection and my participation in shows on a slightly professional level. In general, my greatest desire for 2022 is to give people the smile they need through this art called magic!!!:);)

I wish you all a year full of magic !!!:)
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