Shane Black - Meet-n-Greet

Sep 7, 2007
I have talked to Shane Black and he has told me he would like to do a "meet and greet" @ ExoMagic's TinyChat. This won't be a normal meet and greet from what was explained to me. It will also include a little lesson for all that attend.

I am wanting to get a list of questions together for the "meet and greet" and that is where you guys come in. I want you to get your brains working and come up with some good . . . scratch that, GREAT questions.

I am going to make a list from all the questions I receive and e-mail them to Mr. Black so he can pick the best.

You can submit your question 3 ways
email : or
or just post it here

Thank you guys in advance and a HUGE thanks goes to Shane for wanting to introduce himself to us this way.

Meet & Greet with Shane Black is scheduled for Monday, March 29 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern standard time.

The Meet & Greet will be held at ExoMagic,

The room will be password protected for the Meet. Password will be announced in coming days.

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Nov 7, 2009
1.What effect are you most proud of that you created?
2. What do you do when creating an effect?
3. Who is your favourite performer to watch?
Sep 7, 2007
Let's get some more questions people. The Meet is tomorrow, we need to get some quality questions.

Thank you for all the others who submitted questions :)


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH

1.) Discuss your biggest failure in magic and what you learned from it. It could have been a show / gig that went terribly wrong or perhaps it was an effect in front of a big crowd and you bombed it completely.

2.) When you are creating effects do you just sit and brainstorm while writing down ideas that would be neat and then piece the puzzle together or how does the creative process work for you? Do some effects just come quickly and others take months or years?

3.) When does someone eventually get over the beginner phase of "I want to learn and have every new thing that comes out."

4.) What are your thoughts on specializing in one area of magic and being very good at it as opposed to knowing and performing multiple aspects of magic and being mediocre at them.

5.) Have there been times where you just need to step away from magic and take in the rest of life and put magic on the back burner for a nice little break?
Apr 5, 2009

5.) Have there been times where you just need to step away from magic and take in the rest of life and put magic on the back burner for a nice little break?

i second this question, and i would like to add to it, if its ok with reverhart.

if so, what sort of things lead up to the need for a break? have you come back to magic rejuvenated and ready to kick butt and rock the specs? does picking up other mini-hobbies help?

did you ever figure out that jack and jill presentation?

do you have a favorite performance?
Sep 7, 2007
Thank you to everyone who participated, it was a wonderful evening and we all had a blast.

Looking forward to more of these in the future.

Big shout out and thanks to Shane Black for doing this. Make sure you stay tuned for his "Conceptions of Mystery" DVD.
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