Some Questions - Need Advice

Well, im making this post because im having some doubts about what im doing:

ok first a little background, i have been in magic for about 3 years or almost, but i just start pretty bad (watching youtube videos -.-!), but when i was available to start to buy stuff i bought card course 1 and Erdnase ebook, and i start to figure out that i was doing everything wrong, so then i started to practice and getting more confident with my magic, but even so, i wasnt unable to do it perfectly (my dl were horrible, damn thumb get ready -.- (not thumb count)) that give me a lot of problems so i starting to looking 4 more info, the years pass and i have like 12 ebooks, some books original (2) , and some dvds (5), even i was available to do magic and don't get caught, when i started to flourishing some false cut (easy ones) the people look at my dl because their wasn't that flourishy than my other moves, so i decide to change it to push off dl, then the people didn't care about my lifts, because matches my style and even a single lift i do it with push off, so far i was getting ok, but this get me another problem, i have been used to much to the push off, that when i get a pinky break my damn finger gets inside the gap, (if i need i hold i break, now ims using a thumb break so far, but it doesnt the best way, so its a problem) is inside the gap! T.T, and is terrible i know it, but when i start to practice, my pinky still wants to get inside the gap.

1.- this is my first problem, how i can fix my pinky break.

2.- the second is, even im doing push off double lift, what other dl is flourishy, but not to much.

3.- the third is, i had read about break in a deck, and i have done everything that says, or almost everything (i don't know 1h shuffle) so i repeat the steps and then i take the cards, put them on their box, and let them like 8hrs with 10-15 big books on top XDDD, but the question is, how i know that's is really break in, there is like some clues?

ok i thinks its all for now, thank you in advance.

(sorry for any mistake i have made in this write , im still learning how to writte well)
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hey man, ok let's see if we can get some answers happening... I think I understand what you mean, but correct me if I'm wrong.

1. The problem with habits is that they're actually hard to un-learn and get rid of. Honestly, something like this will just take time. Make sure you really focus mentally on where your fingers are going, and not allowing that pinky to get in there, really think about it and tell your fingers not to. Incidentally, if you want to use a pinky break, don't stick your entire finger in there, you can keep a break with just a little bit of flesh from the top joint and it'll still hold the break well.

2. There are a LOT of different DLs... Slightly more flourishy would be the Domico Double from Arthur Buckley's book Card Control, and the Ballerina Double from Jack Parker's 52 Memories. Both are very useful doubles. There are a lot more, but they're the first to come to mind.

3. Honestly, there's no real point of measure where you can say "Ok, it's now broken in." Really, as long as you're happy with the deck, as long as you're happy at how the deck feels, and how it's handling, it's fine.
first off all thanks for the response.

1.- yep is a bad habit and its get me really piss off, my damn pinky do that when i dont pay attention to my hands, and is hard to release that is doing that (bad habits feels good (?) XDD), i will keep practicing to get it right, practice makes "perfection" right? XD

2.-o thanks i will search about this, i hope i have enougth money to buy a ebook/book/dvd or whatever they are. XDD

3.- mmm so i dont understand now... what is the point of doing all of the riffles, springs, lepaul spread, etc, and let them stay in a porper/under books xDD just let them soft or something like that?... so if the deck feel like the same even if i do all of this, and 8hrs later under books and so... this really will help the deck to last longer like it say? whys that? (im corious, and i like to know what is the point of break in the deck)

thank u again
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Card Control can be found quite cheaply in a lot of places so have a look for that.

Essentially breaking in a deck is wearing out the cards a bit. Not enough to make them sticky or unusable, just a little worn, and not quite so new out of the box, where they can be stiff and slippery. I didn't mean to say the deck feels the same afterwards - it will definitely feel different; it's just that different people have different preferences and senses of "broken-in" so break it in till whatever point suits you.
No. 1: Practice Practice Practice. Try to use your flesh not your actual pinkie. Also you can use you Thumb pad to help keep the double.

No. 2: Lee Asher's Diving Board Double is a flashy but not too flashy double lift. Also DnD's Ginstaire Double.

No.3: Search for Shanku's Deck Breaking In Guide (I would search it but I CBF).

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