Squeeze cut help

Jul 1, 2013
Hey so i have been working on squeeze for about a month and a half maybe more but i always have trouble with ending the cut. Every time I have to do a revolution cut to in it i can't or it's very awkward or slow when I do get it. Can you give any tips for this?
Sep 2, 2007
Yes. Slow the whole thing down to the pace of the slowest part. And then slow it down some more. Do it excruciatingly, painfully, slowly. Basically, perform the cut as smoothly and dextrously as you would like to eventualy perform it, but in slow motion. Give your mind and body time to absorb all the finger positions and grip transitions without feeling rushed. If you've already been working on it, after running through the movements a few hundred times slowly, it will start to feel more comfortable and you'll find it can be sped up gradually with no loss of smoothness.
Jun 13, 2013
be slow and dont give up. i practice the squeeze about a year! i can do it well, but not as fast as in the tutorial. i become faster, but it takes a lot of time! great move, so practice practice practice..;)
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