Stop Magic Makers

Sep 3, 2007
Sharpies aren't anything like magic markers. I agree, Magic Makers need to be put out of business, but do you really think that if you get so many signatures, they're going to say, "ok guys, you got 1,000 signatures, we're closing." No, they're not. The only way to stop them is to stop buying from them, not signing some stupid petition.
Sep 3, 2007
They know what they do is unethical, what do you think a bunch of teenagers' signatures is going to do? I'm not trying to be mean, just stating the truth. You guys should spend your time practicing sleights, new effects, and your presentations instead of wasting time signing a petition that won't do squat.
Oct 24, 2007
if you are talking about magic makers inc then please tell me why they are unethical and why we should stop them because i do not know what is wrong with them
Sep 1, 2007
If you think this is a dumb idea, just stay away from this topic. I also wanted to show this to the retailers, so they might stop selling Magic Makers products.
Sep 2, 2007
I hate to say this, but you're not going to get many signatures with your petition the way it is. Just because you claim that they're a horrible company who rips off magicians, doesn't mean anyone will believe you. Who have they ripped off? What effects have they stolen? How are they hurting magic as a whole? Whom are you saying is so angry about it? Without specific details and compelling arguments, I just can't justify signing your petition, and most reasonable people won't either. I'm not saying I won't sign it, I'm just saying I'd need more specific information before I would.


Sep 26, 2007
I suggest telling any of your magician friends to boycott magic makers?
Mabye even spread the word to E and any other shops .
Aug 31, 2007
I really don't think this is a good Idea, if you don't want to buy from magic makers, don't buy their stuff. Don't tell them to get out of business, this is their living, and you want to put them out on the streets? Dude, which one sounds more unethical, reselling effects, or ridding people's jobs.
Sep 1, 2007
I don't care if they go out of business, I just want them to stop stealing effects. Mods, why don't you just close this topic? Nobody even understands what this is for.
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