Tally-Ho Ohio made?

Jun 13, 2013
I have 2 Tally-Hos red circle back. On the box it says that they are ohio made but the seal is black. Why?
How much did they worth?
Jun 13, 2013
I know that USPCC plant used to be in Oh. A deck of Tallys made in Oh worth about 30$. After some researches I found that when the plant was in Oh they used blue seals and, just half an year or so before they moved in Ky they switched to black seals. Unfortunately after they moved in Ky they left with some boxes from Oh and they decided to use them. So some of the boxes and the seals of Tallys from Oh are identical to soome of Ky ones. The only way to tell where the deck is made is to open the deck and look at the address written on the guarantee joker. I opened it and unfortunately it was from Ky.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Just because someone is selling them at $30 doesn't mean they are actually worth that.

My brief eBay searching pulled up less than half that price.


Elite Member
Apr 7, 2012
Well, "worth" is a relative term. Tobias clearly thinks they perform exceptionally well, so they're worth $30 each to him. But others may look at them and think of a much smaller number. On the flip side, there will always be the people that have convinced themselves that they've found the playing card equivalent of a flawless diamond and will throw obscene amounts of currency at the sellers. It's one of those situations where it all depends on who sees the item for sale. "Old" items like these heavily rely on the public perception of their own value.
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