Tenyo Tuesday! - 'The Third Eye'

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Whaaaaaaat? Stopped doing Tenyo reviews? No. Not really. But close. I got HALFWAY through my Tenyo inventory and I needed a break. You know, with the holidays and such. Basically, once it hits October 1st; October 1st through December 31st is the ‘season of madness’ in our house. I tried to write a few reviews, just to try and get SOMETHING going. But I couldn’t get my bearings together and they all turned out to be absolute garbage-man. Plus, I needed some sort of stalling tactic to try and acquire more Tenyo; which I didn’t get...Yet. Again, season of madness, holiday shopping. You know the drill. I ended up SELLING some Tenyo I wasn’t going to use—ever, in order to make some ends meet. Yeah, Tenyo paid some bills. For the win.

On that subject, lets’ take the next week and go over some of the Tenyo I recently sold. The first up for review is one where we get to PARTY DOWN with Lubor Fiedler!


Inventor: Lubor Fiedler
Year: 2011
Cost: $15-$25
Type of Effect: 1st effect: ‘Prediction’
Skill Level: Intermediate

- 5 ‘interest’ cards
- 5 ‘percentage’ cards
- 5 ‘ordinary’ cards
- 1 card holder
- 1 Mystical, all seeing, THIRD EYE

EFFECT #1: You, the magician, present 1 set of 5 cards (whichever you choose for your setting, but it has to be all 5, no mixey-matchy) to Audience member #1. Audience member #1 selects one card and shows it to the rest of the audience EXCEPT Audience member #2. The magician takes the card, gives the 5 cards a good shuffle and places the cards inside the card holder and hands Audience member #2 THE THIRD EYE.
Upon turning on the switch and placing the Third Eye on their forehead, the power of the Third Eye allows Audience member #2 to select the chosen card of Audience member #1 with perfect accuracy!

I’m going to say this right now. Of all the Tenyo I KNOW about. That includes the 250+ ‘T-Numbered’ tricks, Disney promotional, Japanese only tricks; the knowledge base come out to about 300+.
Of those 300+ tricks in my knowledge-base, ‘The Third Eye’ is one of the absolute BEST Tenyo tricks to utilize for a party. It’s great for impromptu. It’s a great conversation starter. It fits in the pocket. The card holder might stick out of your pocket, but you could pass it off as an odd comb, I guess.


This is a VERY different approach that Lubor Fiedler has done here. Actually, I didn’t think this one was one of his maddening machinations. The man is a genius, and the tricks he has invented for Tenyo are some of the craziest in the Tenyo line. There is a distinct ‘madness’ to them. If you bought three Tenyo at the same time; one of them being a Lubor Fiedler effect. You would know the Lubor Fiedler effect.


What we have here is a simple ‘pick a card, I’ll tell you what it is’ effect’. EXCEPT. Except that you, the magician, aren’t the one to look clever. In fact you play the role of a MEDIATOR. You have TWO members of the audience playing the ‘pick a card’ plot; one picks, the other predicts. The magician, for the most part, gets away scot free; like a comic book villain.

So what you have in the contents are THREE SETS of 5 cards. One of them is a set of ‘interest’ cards (love, money, fame, fortune, family). Great to use for couples and social parties. A set of ‘percentage’ cards. They go from 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. This is probably the most versatile set of cards for any situation. They could be augmented very similarly to the ‘emotion’ cards for liking someone (c’mon, run with me on this!), success, probability in the future, etc. They are the ‘magic 8-ball’ of cards, so to speak.

And then you have the 5 playing cards. Which I don’t like. I know standard playing cards are the magician’s calling card. But why a lonely 5? I figure that this MIGHT raise eyebrows. So honestly, I’d stick with the ‘emotion’ and ‘percentage’ cards. Plus, I think they play better, presentation-wise, anyway.
So what do YOU, the magician, need to know?
First of all. This is a ‘stand up’ effect. The players involved need to be standing up. No lazy-bones at the table. Up and att’em. Get excited. I mean, really? Get people to be the center of the presentation! Trump it up!
With that in mind. If you’re at a place where usually EVERYONE is going to be standing up, you MUST be on point with your AUDIENCE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Totally essential, this is key.

Let’s get to the burning question: So why did I sell it?
I bought the trick believing that I could perform this in a children’s hospital in the future. The prospect of having two children performing a magic trick in the playroom was just too good to pass up. But after receiving the trick. The blinking Third Eye made me realize that I don’t want to be THAT MAGICIAN that caused an epileptic seizure; placing a black eye on Tenyo AND the Magic Community. As much of a good effect as it CAN be. I’m just not the one to use it. I believe I’ll expand my audiences to more than just children’s hospitals way in the future, but until that happens, I didn’t think I needed to hold onto it to make holiday ends meet this year.

All in all, I think it’s a great effect for the experienced performer who loves to get audience involvement and is great on their feet. This has the potential to be a great knockout effect that plays from the pockets.
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