The Marketplace - Basic Submission Guidelines

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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
We're looking for the best of the best.

The Marketplace is a global marketplace for artists to publish original magic effects and cardistry moves. A revolutionary platform. A groundbreaking system.

On The Marketplace, you have complete control over your effect or creation, but in order to maintain a professional, ethical, legal environment, all submissions are judged by our panel prior to release.

We promise to judge all submissions fairly, but note that all judging decisions are final. As the provider of this revolutionary platform, we reserve our right to approve or decline any effect at any time in accordance with our established, published Terms and Conditions.

To help provide guidance and ensure the best chance of your effect being approved, read through the following judging criteria. After submitting your effect, you will receive an automated notification email within 72 hours whether your effect is APPROVED or declined based on the following factors:

1. Creativity. Your submission must show some unique, creative merit in order to be approved. A simple double lift and two Shapeshifters doesn't count as an original effect. It needs to be new, it needs to be different, and it needs to catch our eye. Polish your effect and practice it until you are confident it is as smooth as it can be.

2. Originality. By submitting your effect on The Wire, you certify that the effect is your own independent creation, a result of your own innovation. Unless you have the explicit, written permission of another creator, or the idea is within the public domain, all ideas expressed within your video should be your own.

If your effect has been done before, or it does not represent a significant, distinguishable improvement on a previous effect, it will be declined. Think outside the box, and create something NEW and extraordinary! The more original your idea is, the more likely it will be approved.

3. Production Quality. Your effect must be clearly visible within the preview video. We recommend using cameras that are capable of filming in 720p or 1080p High Definition, and we suggest uploading your video in 720p resolution for best picture quality.

If your effect is not clearly visible within the preview video, or if production quality inhibits the ease of learning from your instructional video, your effect may be declined. Use sufficient lighting and ensure that your audio is crisp and clear so that everyone can learn your effect properly.

Production quality is judged not only on your preview, but also on your explanation, so be sure both are properly filmed to ensure your effect is approved!

Make it happen. Create an Artist Account on The Marketplace and get started today!
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