The point of flourishes?

Thought 1:

Use it as spice in your magic. SPICE as in what you add to your food to make it complete. There's never been a meal that was half salt and half meat that was any good. If it's a salt shaker at the point then move onto thought 2.

Thought 2:

Separate on it's own thing without the presentation of magic along side BUT with the act itself can have magic just not intermingled. Mainly to avoid audience management issues.

With magic you need to have your audience relaxed and not paying attention to your hands 110% of the time. With pure flourishes it's important to make sure that the audience is catching all the details they can of each move otherwise it becomes pointless.

Thought 3:

Learning and achieving specific flourishes that only you, the practitioner, care about. The achievement is using your overall skill and dexterity of mastering a move that was once impossible to you and that only you care about. This does not concern you or anybody else.

Thought 4:

Create totally original moves that you seem to have come up with yourself and "seem" original and post it up as a useful variation of moves in the art when it has no use for real performance settings and have people discuss it and hype it up to be something that it's not thereby adding to your subscribers hoping for the tutorial of this worthless move that again has no use whatsoever, but only because it's "original" and "new" that people care about it and want you to put up a tutorial video for it so that way they can put it in their montage video and credit you with the move, and because it's so "original" and "creative" no one seems to care about the real skill the person has, cause their oh so "original" and "creative" and the material is all "new".
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