The Real Hustle

Sep 24, 2007
The UK version is pretty good, but you have to realize that many of the scams are re-enactments. Many times, the "marks" know what is about to happen.


Dec 10, 2008
York, United Kingdom
I used to really like the real hustle, but not anymore. Reason being because they have sold themselves out and now the show is a farce. When it first began there were a lot cooler scams, and nobody knew about them. Now it is much more well known so they have to do small things with celebrities, anyone who watches it know what I mean?. :(

Despite this, it's still very good to watch, esspecially the older series.

The las vegas series of it was my favorite because I loved the casino scams. Seeing Paul Wilson perform a second deal in one of the casinos got me into the gambling cheating sleights.

Watch it, it's a great show. :)

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