The school guide to performing

Jan 15, 2008
in the royal court
does anybody know about this guide?
i came across a topic about this, i dont remember where and i cant find it again that sucks.... it is guide of how, where, what, when and to who to perform..
it gives you tips to keep them off trying to figure them out, and search them on youtube.... anybody herad of this? how does it sound??
Feb 3, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I don't know, it sounds a little absurd. If somebody wants to try their best to figure out how a trick is done, they are going to try their best to figure it out. My advice is just to be yourself and be fun. If you are entertaining there is no reason for them to try to look for how you did the trick, unless they are that one kind of person we try to avoid performing for who can't enjoy the magic. Its worked for me, I haven't had anybody search how to do a trick, come back to me and tell me they know how to do it.

Sep 1, 2007
on Theory11.
Nah, I havn't heard of it but it sounds pretty interesting. If you can't find it again, maybe you can remember some of the tips from it and we can start a new guide here...
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