The trick or the video edit?

Edit or the trick?

Many tricks these days are being released, And mostly through a video trailer etc..

But my question is, Do you buy the trick because you want the effect? Or because the edited video makes you want it? Or is it the artist?

Like pressure, The video was edited nicely, But the trick wasnt fully shown.

What draws you? Personally I got that because DG is a mastermind, Although I wasnt very impressed by the overall.
Oct 3, 2007
It is of course a combination of the three. But personally the most important thing is whether or not I can see myself doing the effect. Second comes the artist, as I know that some have similar repertoire styles to my own. The way the trick is presented is of course important as one does not want to purchase something that is of low quality. :)


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
ANY product you buy should be purchased based off whether you think you can use it and make it fit your performing style and personality.

NEVER base a purchase off the fact it looks slick online or because some you think is "cool" releases it. This is why many of us have a drawer (or closet in some people's case) full of stuff they will never use again... maybe.

This is why celebrities put their faces on products, because they know people will blindly buy stuff.

Research and realize.
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