This Looks Amazing. What Do You Think?

May 3, 2008
This looks amazing. What do you guys think of it? If it's exactly like it describes then I'm definitely going to buy it. It seems as though there is a lot cut out of the video though that could be important.
Jan 5, 2010
He deck switches out a deck of all 3's in a sequential order....

But really, this DOES look amazing. Might have to pick it up... The best part about the demo is that he says it's almost completely self working.
May 7, 2009
it is almost completely self working. its one of my favorite tricks. it is not exactly like it is in the demo but either way its great. I have also developed a handling for a one on one situation that is my go to trick whenever i perform

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
The trick rocks, seriously. It is SPECIFICALLY for 3 people though (plus yourself.) There are a couple things you need to do before this becomes a completely self working trick. The entire idea is to leave you with time to perform rather than do "moves."

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I bought it, I like it. Honestly, it's true that if you saw the full clip a number of times, a magician might be able to reverse engineer part of the routine. But real life doesn't work like that - no rewind, no slow motion, no pause button, and no replay - and I don't think it would matter in real life. Don't let the video cut stop you. I like it.
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