Thoughts on Travel

This is just me rambling, but I have some thoughts on travel I'd like to share. If others would like to continue building on this concept then please do so.

Rules of Surviving the Road:

1) Anytime you go to someplace new locate the nearest Hospital, Taylor, Print Shop, News Paper, and Dry Cleaner. When applicable, make friends with the staff there, and get addresses & phone numbers.

2) Locate, and make note of any place that has free wi-fi access. Libraries, Coffee Shops, and Internet Cafe's.

3) Never turn down a free meal, or free laundry service when offered. They may be complete strangers at first, but they won't be after you enjoy a nice home cooked meal with them! I'll take a hot home cooked meal over a stale bunned Mc-Grease any day.

4) If you are traveling with other performers, maintain a healthy distance from them during off hours. The college dorm syndrome will eventually set in, it's inevitable. Sooner or later nerves will get tested, patience will get fried, and tempers get short. By keeping, and respecting a healthy space between your co-workers you may actually prolong the peace as much as possible. If you do find yourself at odds with your co-workers just know it's because you've been practically living with them, and it's not really you. (usually.) A little space to clear the air, and you're usually good to go.

5) Hotel soap, shampoo, and conditioner, along with fast food catch up, salt, and pepper packets are god sends! Keep an ample supply on hand as you travel as backup should you run out of your usual supply and find yourself an hour and half drive to the nearest town.

6) Books are better than video games. You're going to have a lot of down time as you jump between gigs, so you'll want to fill it with something. Avoid the temptation to stock up on your favorite Mario games. Instead stock up on books, and vary the subjects even if it's something your not interested in. That way you can use your down time to learn new things, and better improve yourself! Language courses on audio CD/Mp3 are a god send to the traveling performer! Last year I read Paradise Lost, and The Divine Comedy while on tour and I feel greatly enriched for the effort.

7) If someone offers you a ride to some place local, take it! People who are generous with their favors are worth more than their weight in gold. Obviously you'll need to use your common sense since there are weirdo's out there, but if they are safe then take advantage of their hospitality.

8) Don't sacrifice your body just because you are traveling. Eat healthy. You'll need all that extra energy for everything else you'll be doing, so don't eat junk food all the time.

9) Always pack a small assortment of tricks you can do into your carry on. That way if the airport loses your luggage (and it happens) you're not screwed when you land to do that show the next day.

10) Instead of being bored, watching TV in your hotel room, ask the locals where the action is then go there! You may learn something new about culture you never knew before.

11) Invest in a digital camera, and use it! Record your adventures for prosperity. This one is actually becoming kind of moot since most cell phones take pretty damn good pictures now days, and most of them take video too. I know my Iphone actually does it in HD.

12) Always remember to tip well. You're in an industry where you should understand better than anyone the term "starving artist". Even if you're bank account is broke, don't deny that poor waitress, valet, or doorman a generous tip for serving you. Trust me, the karma will come back to you three fold soon enough.

13) Always leave your hotel room, green room, and performance venue in a better condition than you found it.

...what can you add to this list?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Nice list Draven. I am not a traveling guy myself so I don't have much to add except you should always have a back up prop to every prop you use regularly in your show.

Also...upon getting to a venue, if you do not have your props due to some unforseen incident , make sure you can find your way to the local Walmart or JoAnn Fabric / Craft store and be able to put together a show quickly. You can find clothes line for rope tricks, bandannas (silk effects), poster board ( magic square ) and many more items.

I've always been told that when you leave your hotel room and are at your gig, leave the T.V on so that any potential robbers will not attempt a break in.
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