Topsy Turvy Aces

Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
Your execution and presentation are wonderful One suggestion that I would have after hundreds of triumphesque performances, is that the more you handle the cards, the more you shuffle, the more you cut, the more your audience believes that you are somehow unmixing the cards through those actions. Since you are doing nothing with those actions except trying to convince them of the exact opposite of that, I would suggest cutting down on the cuts (haha) and shuffles a little bit. Let the cards sit on their own during your presentation. Generally, the more you handle the cards, the less your audience will trust you. They already assume that as a magician you know sleight of hand, the only thing exaggerated handling brings into their minds is that you have more chances to execute it. Still though, beautiful.
Jul 3, 2012
Your execution and presentation are wonderful One suggestion that I would have after hundreds of triumphesque performances, is that the more you handle the cards, the more you shuffle, the more you cut, the more your audience believes that you are somehow unmixing the cards through those actions. Since you are doing nothing with those actions except trying to convince them of the exact opposite of that, I would suggest cutting down on the cuts (haha) and shuffles a little bit. Let the cards sit on their own during your presentation. Generally, the more you handle the cards, the less your audience will trust you. They already assume that as a magician you know sleight of hand, the only thing exaggerated handling brings into their minds is that you have more chances to execute it. Still though, beautiful.

I respect your opinion but don't agree and I explain why. First because I see my audience reactions and they believe that the cards are really mixed face up and face down. Second if you are right, Andrew Wimhurst and Michael Vincent, just to name 2 top names have been doing something wrong.
Apr 6, 2011
Lansing, MI
There are definitely certain personalities that can pull off that style. I was basing my evaluation on my experience and the style of presentation you employ. And as I said, just a suggestion. Perhaps you perform a little differently in front of a live audience (vs a camera, which is true of most magicians) and it really does work for you; just keep doing what your doing in that case.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Well done. Couldn't understand a word you said so it dragged on for me. Did you realize you stop talking and look at the deck every time you do a false shuffle?

Because I couldn't understand your words, I don't know if the number of shuffles was justified. With the right script it could be. But just because others can get away with tons of shuffles and cuts doesn't mean you can. Further, just because your audience is reacting doesn't mean you're doing it the best way possible. You'll never know until you try it another way.
Dec 29, 2012
i think it depends on your way you present yourself. If the audiance sould see you as a magican you should do less cuts. But if most of your tricks are more gambling tricks, like false dealing or so, it is okay to do many shuffles because you want to show them your skills.
Jul 3, 2012
well done. Couldn't understand a word you said so it dragged on for me. Did you realize you stop talking and look at the deck every time you do a false shuffle?

Because i couldn't understand your words, i don't know if the number of shuffles was justified. With the right script it could be. But just because others can get away with tons of shuffles and cuts doesn't mean you can. Further, just because your audience is reacting doesn't mean you're doing it the best way possible. You'll never know until you try it another way.

LOL How many false shuffles you saw? From here I saw one and I look up when I'm doing the secret action. This routine starts as a demonstration of skill and ends up with magic.

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