
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
very well executed.....i like your spread pass....
you should have uploaded it on youtube so i could rate you 5 stars

Really... that was one thing I didn't like about the video.

I liked the pace, and the fact you talked whilst you did things kept me interested. A simple effect that can be used as a practice effect for really milking everything out of an effect. :)

As for why I didn't like your spread pass...

After your steady start and slow selection, you suddenly did this fast jerky movement and everything got speeded up for the pass... which then returned to slow and steady. This huge moment of tension is what spectators will latch onto, they might not see anything but they'll probably go "Ah, he did something there" usually internally but in worst-case out loud.

I won't go into a huge chat about tension as there are people far more experienced than I who can talk on the matter; I'm just bringing it to your attention that it exists. :)

- Sean

P.S. I suggest, going over the effect and really structuring it to suit you, if you want to go slow and steady then use some other control that can be done slow and undetectable. Use some kind of slow, fluid and methodical display for the deck. Really make this effect your own if you want to use it and get the best out of it.
Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
That was one of the most unnatural Lepaul Spread Pass I have ever seen. Sean_Raf said most of the part I was going to say. Make it natural not fast. I can't really say anything else about the performance considering this is self-working.
Jun 24, 2008
United States
good video, but as stated, i would highly recomend that you either practice the pass untill you have it perfect, or find another control. I would recoment that you use the double undercut, its slow, smooth, and undetectable- i use it all the time and never get called on anything haha. Of course im not saying you HAVE to use the double undercut, just a suggestion. Hope this helped!

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Oh jeez... Wow ok, so I read Eddie and Sean_Raf's posts about that Spread Pass, and I was still shocked at how fast it was... Sleights don't have to happen quickly... As Rafster said, the jerky motion made tension a huge problem. It's really the same principle as any false count - rhythm is the key to a sleight within an effect.
Nov 10, 2007
when I get back form vacation I will retape it without the spread pass and will do a nice double undercut:)
Apr 27, 2008
when I get back form vacation I will retape it without the spread pass and will do a nice double undercut:)

No! keep the spread pass, and look at this video as a sort of motivation to improve thing. Use the spread pass - just practise a little with it first though! ;)

Strive to improve!
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Apr 27, 2008
Really? Almost every single 'pick a card' trick video I see involves the double undercut...but that's just youtube. I for one, must admit I use it - but i prefer to use Joel's DTTDU ;)
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