Trumped Triumph by Joshua Jay


Jul 10, 2009
Lillestrøm, Oslo, Norway
Recentrly bought this download from VanishingInc, and i must say I'm very pleased with it!

Method: Clever clever! Really like the move for this, I use it a lot now!
probably not anything anyone will catch you on if done properly!

Difficulty: The move itself isn't hard at all, takes a small amount of practise, but after two-three tries you'll be able to show your significant other and fool her/him. Ten more times and you can show strangers with confidence.
Only difficulty i encountered was a small bit of estimation to make the faroshuffles neat, but no real problem.
OH, and you must be able to faroshuffle a little, not perfect in either cutting or shuffling but yeah. faros.

Angles: Angles are good.
I've performed surrounded. There are things that can be seen, but they'll most likely go unnoticed. If anything, I'd say your far left are the weakest angle.

Practicality: Very practical. A bit of setup, but it goes reasonably fast, I've never been called on doing it straight infront of spectators still pondering my last "miracle" and a lot of tricks can put you into the setup. There's also the possibility of a phone number-reveal, and those are always funny to play around with.

Production: Well produced, but vanishingInc watermarks their videos, so it takes some time from payment until downloading is possible.
Also, on my download, the sound was a little bit off, by half a second or so. Not much, but enough to irritate. other than that, very nicely shot.

Teaching: All details covered, I'd say. Very nice. Joshua Jay is as always a pleasure to watch.

Final Thoughts: Buy it. It WILL go into your reportoaire, and you'll play with the move all day long.
Jan 18, 2010
If you got the DVD Joshua Jay Close Up Volume 3!You don't need to download that video!
The trick has been in DVD Joshu Jay CLose Up Vol 3!And this DVD has many good tricks:)
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