Vendetta Tutorial!

Mar 16, 2012
Hey guys,
Here is my first ever flourish tutorial! It may not be the best move, but it means a lot to me as it was the first flourish I made that I felt proud of. Hope you enjoy! I'll probably do a better tutorial sometime later, the more I look at this one, the more I think "meh." Anyways, please remember to subscribe!

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Mar 16, 2012
the tutorial is way to fast it made me not even wanna take the time to keep pausing and see what the words are trying to say. 52 seconds to show the flourish and to teach it. To me it was a little bit to fast. Thats just my opinion, maybe someone else will think differntly


Elite Member
Apr 7, 2012
I don't think the tutorial was too fast or anything but it really isn't that great of a move. It's a Sybil grip to five packet flair sequence basically. A lot of people have already covered this idea and it's nothing new really.
Mar 16, 2012
Thanks for the feedback guys! As I said this is my first ever move and tutorial, so please keep that in mind.


Feb 9, 2010
Yeah, way, way, way too fast. I think more than even being your first move, it doesn't seem very polished. It took you like 15 seconds just to perform the thing. You should look at other people's tutorials and try and learn from those.
Aug 30, 2012
Could have been a bit slower but for your 1st tutorial its not too bad. As for the flourish, I'm very new but have seen some amazing moves and I can see using this as an outline and expanding it so it was a little more.
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