Video Review: COOL BEANS by Paul Brook (mentalism)

Dec 1, 2012
video review:

Title: Cool Beans
Creator: Paul Brook
Publisher: Paul Brook
MSRP: $ 30
Skill Level: all
Dowload Run time: 21:24 / pdf is 33 pages

Type of effect: Mentalism force cards disguised as loyalty cards for a coffee shop. Similar to other effects I’ve reviewed – he used loyalty cards for grocery stores and business cards.

Manufacturer's Write Up:

Cool Beans is a set of five seemingly real coffee shop stamp cards and a special hidden crib card that will have you performing this effect right out of the box.

With these cards, you will be able to have a participant select any card and tell the person which card has been selected. This can be done in three different ways, allowing you to repeatedly fool the same person again and again, or to perform the method that you are most comfortable with in any given situation.

The key to any invisible prop is to make it appear like the genuine article. For this reason, the Cool Beans cards have been printed using different card stock and styles, as you would expect to get from five unconnected coffee establishments.

Alongside these coffee shop props, you will also receive an instructional video and PDF that will: Explain all of the secrets hidden within the props - Show you how to tell which coffee shop card someone is thinking of - Explain how it is possible to force numbers using these cards - Take you through the process of getting two people to have a moment of synchronicity - Share additional bonus material that takes Cool Beans far beyond the scope of what has been mentioned - Explain subtleties and techniques that will see you performing the different aspects of Cool Beans within hours or less

How accurate is the ad copy? No deception.

What's in the box?
Gimmicked Cards: Five coffee shop stamp cards and a special hidden crib card that will enable you to perform these amazing effects.

PDF: A 33-page PDF containing the secret to the effect, scripted routines, along with tried and tested subtleties.

Instructional Video: A 23-minute video that guides you through all of the aspects of Cool Beans.

Key points: Each card has been hand stamped with a customized stamp for each card, adding to the apparent authenticity of them.

How are the production values: Paul seated at a table facing a mounted camera. Well mic’d – no annoying background music

Is it well made:
Yes – and had his previous effects in the past and these are not “britsh” – also the stamps on the cards are hand stamped and not printed on. But I would also “weather” them up and rough them up.

Is it well taught: The video itself only covers some brief ideas in the time allotted, the pdf is where all of the meat is and in that you’ll learn to do effects that involve:
What card they are thinking of - Drawing duplication - Synconcity effect with 2 spectators - Number forces - Psychological outs and Color readings

Storage? Does it "pack flat?"
These cards will slip seamlessly into your wallet

Does it "play big?"
Mentalism is always a crowd stunner

Difficulty / Skill level required:
the crib sheet takes all the work out of it

How much arts and crafts are involved?
Paul has some tweak suggestions, but they are not necessary.

How practical is this in the real world? (can it really be done?)
Yes of course

Overall score:
let's toss out the traditional score of 1-10 and make this something that we all can appreciate and understand.

__X___ Very Satisfied
_____ Somewhat Satisfied
_____ Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
_____ Somewhat Dissatisfied
_____ Very Dissatisfied
_____ No Opinion

My thoughts Paul has made some fun cards that look real and that I’m sure you’ll enjoy carrying in your wallet every day.
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