


How do you go about filming a cardistry x magic video or cardistry video?
Sep 1, 2013
South Africa
Get royalty free music,
Get a decent camera and a good camera man
Get some good editing software and learn how to use it
Learn some awesome flourishes and perfect them

Combine all these steps together and make a sick video!

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Yeah but the problem with that is seting it up

Well, sort of. I use an IPhone, so setting up the video isn't too difficult--it's just the little error they have when you upoload the video and the damn thing is upside down.

Anyway, try setting up the trips and taking a video of where you *THINK* you should be standing. And mark where you ARE standing.
Check the video and see if that's the shot you want.

There's consequences to any method. Either you trust a friend to get the shot for you or you do it yourself and have to work extra to get the shot you want.

I honestly don't have anyone to shoot for me, so I've been making a lot of ghetto-tigged tripods. But I've finally caved in and am about to drop 40 bucks on a tripod and smartphone adapter.
Nov 9, 2013
First off, let me say that to make a dope video, you do not need royalty free music.

Secondly, you definitely don't need a cameraman. Some of my most favorite cardistry videos were filmed using a tripod.
Examples -

Lastly, to create the most unique video possible, I would try and include original flourishes along with ones you've already learned.

Also, if you really want your video to be good, check this out.
Tip 1. Recording your video with a good camera (reflex cameras are amazing) gives a really good results, but if you don't have it, and you don't have money enough, you just can record your video using a phone, or a webcam, but adding a good ilumination (you can use your own lights you have at home)
Tip 2. Do lots of videos, and then select the best one(s) and edit the video with easy progams, like Windows Movie Maker.
Tip 3. You'll do a better video if you add some music. To don't have problems of Copyright, I recommend you to use Royalty Free music ( Also you can add effects to your video.

After film your flourishes, practice a lot the flourish, and try to get a smooth movement, trying also to combine velocities.

I hope you'll do a awesome video! ;)
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