Where to get a fake pencil?

Jun 30, 2009
anybody know where i could get a gimicked pencil that doesnt write? or how to make one on your own?
May 3, 2008
I'm not sure what you can do about pencils, but if it doesn't truly matter then you could do the same with pens and markers by just letting them dry.
Jun 30, 2009
yes.. same concept is with pens and markers.. but it feel it would be to obvious on how it was done if it was with a pen or sharpie..

i need the spectator to feel as if they are actually writing something behind their back...

a dried out sharpie could work.. where you would just swtich it with a real one..

but a pencil that doesnt write i think would be better because pencils well they just cant dry out
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
If you want to use a pencil, something covering the tip, glue, is the best selection.

I dried out a sharpie weeks ago for the same reason. If you use a real one that they see works they'll never question you switching to a dried out one. You can also switch back and have it sitting on the table.

Just remember to not pay attention to the pencil/pen/sharpie, if you draw attention to it they'll suspect it's not ordinary. (same applies to decks of cards, coins, and anything else you might be using in your magic).

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