"White Rabbit" Irish Show

Hey all, I've been lurking around the forums for a good while, and everyone seems really great and helpful!
I just wanted to get you guys to check out a trailer for a show i've been making here in Ireland called White Rabbit. Its the first student produced magic special in the history of Irish Media, and its hit the radar of alot of big names in the Tv and entertainment industry! If you watch it, you wont recognise any of the people in it, cuz their just national celebrities! Anyway! if you have 2.53 secs2check out the teaser, please do!

you'r all fantastic!
First off,

Welcome to the forums. Good to have you. I am sure you'll have a lot of fun with all of us here. But, now onto the main topic at hand. Your trailer. Well, I just watched it and I thought it was okay. The only issue is we never really see a whole routine, so we can't know exactly what happened. Also, it seems like we can barely hear your voice. But other than that it was good.

Dylan P.
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