Who are the really solid flourishers, XCMers, etc. here?

I'd be interested but I don't think I'm up to par yet, I've made up 2 cuts so far, but I still need practice and all that jazz. Maybe in a few years ;)

But I'm sure there's plenty of others here that are experienced.

PS, I think this should've gone in the flourishing section.
Sep 1, 2007
There are these two random guys, people call them Dan and Dave Buck, kind of unheard of I know, but I hear there pretty decent at it.

Well I'm pretty good I guess, I jsut need to take the time to learn stuff, but I'm into creation. I like making my own cuts rather than learning (as the other guy said). I only like to learn from pros (Bucks etc.) you could tell me your idea if you want but, Im not a pro by any stretch of the imagination.

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