Working Theatre When Copperfield's In Town

Nov 25, 2007
This post has been edited due to the amazing responses and assistance I have received here... you guys are awesome! Cheers...
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Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Ushers aren't allowed near the stage or the performer in most cases and too, the Usher staff is typically a full-time position in the theater, so you wouldn't be there just for the Copperfield show. Another thing to note is the fact that the theater staff is rarely allowed to watch the shows, they're there to work.

Go out and earn some cash so you can buy a ticket, that's going to be the best way for you to get in and see the show.

As to signing a Secrecy Agreement; it's rare that the stage hands (again, facility staff and union to boot) have to sign such things, they tend to be reserved for production company employees.

Now For the Raw Kick. . . many years ago Roy Houston, an Indiana based touring Illusionist, explained to me that I.B.M. stood for I Bother Magicians in that every kid had an IBM card and thought it was a backstage pass as well as permission to go backstage and screw with the performer's equipment. WRONG! We're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of investment even for a "no body" doing an illusion show these days; especially if they own a top end illusion or two, some costing more than $40,000.00 for a single trick, so think about it. This is why the majority of celebrity types tend to be aloof in situations in which fans are pulling on their ear or sleeve, as it may be. David is quite well known for such though he can be fun at times. You have better chances meeting Chris and spending a few minutes with him.

So get your ticket and simply enjoy the show. If you get singled out for a bit, cherish it.
Nov 25, 2007
This post has been edited due to the amazing responses and assistance I have received here... you guys are awesome! Cheers...
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Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
As I've said elsewhere, you have an unnatural obsession with David and you really need to tame it down. People are screened by staff and very few, especially the star struck, ever get near the VIP. Trust me on that, you can't just walk up to this kind of person. I know for fact that David has two very large dudes that are rarely ten feet away from him at all times; they WILL invite you to move back.

I'm not certain what you're referring to when it comes to people having jobs, but yes, most all "magicians" have to have a day job, magic simply doesn't pay that well and very, very few of us (even noted names) make a full-time level of income by doing this thing we love.

"Letting people back stage" isn't exactly what happens. While it's not as big a problem now days, there are always those that will boldly take the initiative and open a door and walk back stage without a single bit of hesitation. I've lost count as to how many jerks of this sort, I've had to run off or worse, have arrested. I can understand it and even forgive it to some degree when it's a 12 or 14 year old fan but not when it's an adult and especially when it's some arm chair expert that thinks he's important simply because he's got 12,000 post at the Cafe. Some folks simply don't care and think "the rules" and "decorum" are for everyone but themselves. They likewise think it funny when they break things that don't get caught until show time (don't ask).

I get really peeved when it comes to this sort and have frequently wanted to feed them to one of the cats.

Again, I don't want to come off as mean or cruel but you do need to come down to earth before you set yourself up even more, for hurt and (no pun intended here) disillusionment.
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