Wrapped Up

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Some may have different fews on this.
Below is my opinion
This DVD was created in Sankey's Late Productive Era. Although he has published this effect before, the DVD was created when he was starting to sell out, where he only cares bout making cash.
1. This effect is visual, ill give you that. Eat a stick of gum and take out the disgusting lump and throw it back into a wrapped form? pretty cool.
2. The method is not that original. Its not a 100% new concept, but the gimmick is unique.
3. He explains everything crystal clear with nothing left out. He explains the hard and the easy. With many variations.
4. Do i like Wrapped up? Its not bad. The effect is pretty visual as well as unique. Will catch most laymen off guard. But the method... There are much easier ways of achieving this effect.

If you are a beginner of magic, then this will be pretty good for you. If youve had quite some experience, then you probably will get pissed at your purchase.
Aug 31, 2007
I rather love the dual function of the "gimmick/gaff."

I use both terms as it is one thing that is functioning as both a gimmick, and a gaff/feke.
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