Going to a shop in person and ordering...

Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
For the last two weeks since I live really close to davenports magic shop I have been going down there getting some cards and just talking with the people there and seeing and performing magic. I was wondering has the magician going to a magic shop "tradition" just faded? In all honestly, I order stuff from the internet, but only if I go and ask the guys at davenports if they have the book,dvd playing card etc etc.

In my opinion going to the magic shop and asking fellow magicians about products is way better then seeing a trailer that has been edited and given the most best description ever, I know what you are thinking, the people selling at davenports (or any magic shop) would say positive stuff about a product and removing any negatives, Well if thats the case then the store is not the best, I remember I went for the first time to davenports planning to get card college and 3 bicycle decks, a man behind the till came up to be and said that the latest shipment of bicycle cards are off centered and battered by some issue in the shipping, he recommended tally hos since then I knew I was home.

Yesterday, Friday, A little kid thought I was working there and asked me to do some magic so I agreed and did a ambitious card routine I was working on and it was my first time performing it, thats what I am talking about a magic shop is like a society without being a member, the davenports lecture room is beautiful seriously if you live in the uk TRY GOING DOWN THERE, posters of Paul Daniels, Dai Vernon, Chung ling soo from wall to wall, stunning.

Oh and the BEST feeling, Walking down the high street with a bag saying DAVENPORTS MAGIC SHOP and seeing another with a bag and just smiling at them...

So has this " tradition " faded from the magical world?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
It has. Brick and mortar shops are not very common any more, I think due to a few factors. Some will say it's because of the internet making shopping so much easier, but I think it's also largely influenced by the fact that magic was not all the popular for a while. This is purely spectulation on my part, though.

But, places like Theory11, Ellusionist, Penguin, etc. have made it easier and cheaper to get things online than to get them in person. Since many/most people are perfectly comfortable ordering online, they don't think twice about it and forget that physical magic shops ever existed.

Personally, the only magic shops I've been to are two Houdini's Magic Shops in Vegas. I'd love to live near a Fantasma or Davenports or anything like that. Ironically, I think, Hocus Pocus is based here in Fresno but they're an entirely online store now. I go there for lectures on a regular basis, but I can't just go in and browse and chat and perform. My only outlet for sessioning or just goofing around with other magicians is at the local magic club and at lectures.

I hope that some day we as a community will revive the magic shops but I doubt it. It's too specialized a field for someone to make a living off unless it's a really popular and established shop (like Fantasma or Davenports), or if they do more than magic (like the costume shops, or Houdini's which seemed more like a joke shop).
May 3, 2008
I love going to magic shops. The only reason I would ever go online to buy anything is if they don't have it, or if the price is cheaper. I can ask for personal recommendations and just hang out with other magicians. I love going to Fantasma and Tannen's and I wouldn't give up that magic shop experience for the world.
Apr 8, 2009
I think anyone here would agree that it's better to shop at a magic shop then online. The problem is magic shops are an endangered species. But if you can find one more power to you.
May 3, 2008
I wish I could say the same thing as you. I have about two magic shops in my entire state and they're not supposed to be very good. Plus, they just sell magic tricks on the side as opposed to specializing in it. I don't want to drive for up to two hours just to arrive at a worthless store that sells cheap gags.

The only time of the year that I can bay magic in person is during Magic in the Rockies which has seriously been some of the best nights of my life.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
it takes me 1 hour to get to a magic shop anywhere but its the ony way I buy. I dislike buying from the internet as it causes a lot of trouble and worry for me. I live all the way in Hong Kong so by the time the product arrives, it will be a month or so later. Going to actual magic shops is the way to go. I went to New York last summer and visited Fantasma. It was an awesome experience. Met Lovell and Magick. Hung around for a few hours, talked a lot.
Sep 6, 2009
I never buy online =D Nothing beats the feeling of going down to a brick and mortar shop to buy cards, books or other accessories. I mean, the shopkeeper is really friendly and even randomly give discounts to stuff I buy
Jan 13, 2008
It seems like I'm probably the only one, but I'd shop online over going to a brick and mortar shop any day. I just haven't had the greatest experience at the shop near me. It's expensive ($11 per E deck, for example), they don't have the best selection, and they don't specialize in magic (it's a costume shop, with a very small counter for magic--if you want anything they don't have in store, they have to order it for you anyway; I'd rather skip the middle man and just order it myself online). The funny thing is, one of the workers there (it's family owned, so he's one of the sons) suggested I actually order some of the stuff I wanted online, as it'd probably come in sooner and cost the same or cheaper.

However, the one thing I like about the brick and mortar shop is picking up forcing decks. Going into the shop, I actually have a choice of which card I would like (well, the choice is usually limited to a few, but at least there's a choice; some sites don't give you that choice--I'm looking at you E, with your Ace of Spades (Arcane) forcing deck you sent me :mad:).
Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
I understand about not living close to one, okay I am not saying go every week or something but try go like once a month or something like that, its worth it.
Jan 24, 2010
I never buy online =D Nothing beats the feeling of going down to a brick and mortar shop to buy cards, books or other accessories. I mean, the shopkeeper is really friendly and even randomly give discounts to stuff I buy

Are you talking about Queen of Hearts
Dec 19, 2009
If I had a shop in my area, I'd definitely go to it instead of ordering online. Unfortunately, the nearest one is in another state, 150+ miles away, and is mainly a tourist shop.


creator / <a href="http://www.theory11.com/tricks/
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
I think anyone here would agree that it's better to shop at a magic shop then online. The problem is magic shops are an endangered species. But if you can find one more power to you.

I think it all depends WHAT shops you go in to. I spent my early years in magic going to Denny & Lee's studio in Baltimore and now Rosedale, MD. From day one, anytime I had a question about an effect or how to do a move, Denny would always ask me questions to determine if my skill level was up to par with what I wanted to learn. If it wasn't, he would refuse to sell the effect/book/tape to me. This still goes on today with other up and coming magi. What this tells me is that Denny would rather miss out on a sale just to make sure the young magician gets taught properly. This is something you cannot get from online shops.

But then again, I have been to other magic shops and have had nothing but bad things to say about them. All they wanted to do was to push an effect into your face and try to sell me any and everything they had. IMHO, part of the experience of going into a magic shop is being able to take my time and browse through the vast library that these magic shops have to offer. Add in the ability to hang out and jam with local and sometimes even famous magi, and you have yourself an unbeatable equation.

I feel that it is very important to get out there and meet other local magicians, be it at a magic shop or a local club. The problem isn't the online shops, it is the new wave of magi who are up and comers who ONLY rely on the internet for their magical knowledge.

I will stop now...

Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
I think it all depends WHAT shops you go in to. I spent my early years in magic going to Denny & Lee's studio in Baltimore and now Rosedale, MD. From day one, anytime I had a question about an effect or how to do a move, Denny would always ask me questions to determine if my skill level was up to par with what I wanted to learn. If it wasn't, he would refuse to sell the effect/book/tape to me. This still goes on today with other up and coming magi. What this tells me is that Denny would rather miss out on a sale just to make sure the young magician gets taught properly. This is something you cannot get from online shops.

But then again, I have been to other magic shops and have had nothing but bad things to say about them. All they wanted to do was to push an effect into your face and try to sell me any and everything they had. IMHO, part of the experience of going into a magic shop is being able to take my time and browse through the vast library that these magic shops have to offer. Add in the ability to hang out and jam with local and sometimes even famous magi, and you have yourself an unbeatable equation.

I feel that it is very important to get out there and meet other local magicians, be it at a magic shop or a local club. The problem isn't the online shops, it is the new wave of magi who are up and comers who ONLY rely on the internet for their magical knowledge.

I will stop now...


Your words are gold.
The people working at davenports told me that Derren Brown stops by every couple of weeks to say hi or buy some thing, oh and Paul Daniels he also stops by, Hope I see one.

100th POST!!
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Mar 2, 2008
Yea i live about twenty minutes from a great magic shop, been buying from them for years. Very nice people, i get 10 percent off on everything and if you don't act full of yourself and immature you can easly fit right in, very nice group of people there, and reading that not everyone has a shop near them is a shame. You could never find the same thing over the internet.
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