
If you are registered and can physically do it... VOTE! I don't care who for (well I do but that's not what this is about) just VOTE!

Please do not turn this thread into a political debate. It is just here as a reminder that this election is really important and will determine the direction that our country takes for the next 4 years. I'm gonna go stand in line now.


Your forum name is very close to what I was about to call you.

This is a magic forum, you kind of suck for brining politics into it.
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May 9, 2008
DON'T vote.

Unless you agree with a candidate 100% on everything they say, don't vote. Don't vote unless there is someone worth voting for.

And for those who say you can't complain about the government if you don't vote, that's bull.

If I vote for the guy who wins, and I don't like what he's doing, THAT'S when I can't complain. I put him there, and now I want to complain about what he's doing there?

And if you vote for the other guy, do you really think it would be any different? He would still do stuff that makes you want to complain.

By not voting, I have every right to complain. If there is no one to vote for that would make a difference in what I am complaining about, then voting would make no difference.

Don't vote, unless there is someone worth voting for.

You do realize you have the power to vote to choose who even runs as a presidential candidate? It's called the primaries. By not voting you give up a huge right. The right to vote is one of the most important rights you have.
Jan 13, 2008
Wow, to those saying to not vote, that's a TERRIBLE way to protest. If you don't like either of the candidates that much, you should STILL go out to vote, ESPECIALLY if you're a young voter (since they tend to have the poorest turnout).

The BEST way to protest is to INVALIDATE your vote. Put a check next to BOTH parties, so your vote "doesn't count." Why is this better than not voting at all? Because it still shows you as a voter, that you turned up to vote. Nobody will know that you personally invalidated your vote, since voting is anonymous and nobody knows who anyone else voted for (ignoring the fact that many people feel the need to vocalize who they voted for).

Also, it's worth noting that if there were a great number of invalidated votes, it sends a clear message to the candidates that they're doing something wrong. It's like saying "we want our vote to go to someone else, not any of you", which prompts them to either change their platforms so they listen to people more, or it lets others know that they may have a chance at getting votes so they may step up to take the place of those currently running.

In the end, what I'm saying is to get out there and let your voice get heard. Whether your voting for Obama, McCain, or invalidating your vote, just get out there and let your voice get heard. The only thing worse than voting for a candidate who turns out to be terrible is not voting at all. Don't stifle your own voice, get out there and let your country know that you have a voice, and you want to be heard! :)
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