Inspiring Dreams


What is our job? A simple question I know, but really have you sat down to really ponder it? Have you taken the time to truly consider what it is to be a magician? I'm not talking about the metaphorical sense, we could stay on that subject for hours. I'm talking about the practical application here.

Think of it like this; What is it, product wise, that we offer the consumer? Some of us sell our effects, this is true, but that doesn't apply to everyone of us. The answer I'm looking for is a simple one. We sell fantasy.

This is show business right?! We're selling people the opportunity to suspend their beliefs, and escape from their worries (for however so brief), and enjoy with us a little moment of true wonder. How awesome is that? We have the ability to heal someone's emotions, inspire their dreams, educate, or give them hope. Not a lot of other professions can claim the same thing.

It's easy to get tunnel vision when we're only focused on our own problems. We get so narrow sighted that we can only see the "me" in the world around us, and we lose focus on everyone else we're interacting with. Personal pressures such as relationships, work, school, drama with friends, social obligations, etc can take a toll on our minds and bodies without us really realizing it. That's why it's easy to fall into a rut, or self destructive pattern. However we are better than that! If we can only take a minute to sit back, and enjoy the simple joys of life we can revitalize ourselves.

Never forget that you are an inspiration to everyone you meet. You bring wonderment, joy, and magic into the lives of everyone around you. Most people aren't lucky enough to know or experience the magic from a real magician, yet count the number of co-workers, friends, school mates, and family you have; all of them have access to you! We spend our entire lives trying to emulate the greats like Copperfield, Burton, Brown, and others yet we fail to take into consideration that to our personal social circles we are their Coppfields!

I'll close with a quote from Henry David Thoreau. He said: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." So today, and everyday, go Dream. Inspire. Create. Live!
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