
Elite Member
Apr 21, 2010
It depends on if you want to use a psychological approach or gimmicks, banachek has some work on the psychological effect in his penguin live lecture which is probably a good start
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Banachek's uses a physical method. But that is where I'd recommend starting. His booklet, Psychokinetic Touches, is the first significant publication that I know of.

Lior Manor has "Invisible Touches", which teaches a method that Daniel Garcia also has taught.
Luke Jermay has a routine called Touching on Hoy. He's taught it in a few places. Peter Turner teaching his Midas Touch which is built off that basic Touching on Hoy method.
Then there's Touches by ... D'Angelo I believe. I like that method, it takes some guts but it's very good when done right.
Colin Cloud teaches a real-time PK Touch in ... Revelations I think it's called. No - Epiphanies. He doesn't teach the full routine in that book, but enough of the method that you can definitely use it.
Jerome Finley has "Energetic Touches" as well, which is a purely psychological method.

I've never used an electronic device to do a PK Touch routine, as I feel they are not remotely necessary, but they do provide an option for a routine that cannot be done otherwise. For that, there's a device described in Lior Manor's Penguin Live I believe - can't recall the name of it at all. There's also Christopher Taylor's Geist, which is great. And another one, called Spectro Touch by Joao Miranda.

I've seen Geist used in person several times, and Christopher Taylor is an excellent builder. I've never seen the other devices in person.

There's one more ... made by a guy down in, I think, North Carolina. Or Virginia maybe. Chris something. He does a device that is somewhat similar to Spectro Touch.
Apr 25, 2020
Banachek's uses a physical method. But that is where I'd recommend starting. His booklet, Psychokinetic Touches, is the first significant publication that I know of.

Lior Manor has "Invisible Touches", which teaches a method that Daniel Garcia also has taught.
Luke Jermay has a routine called Touching on Hoy. He's taught it in a few places. Peter Turner teaching his Midas Touch which is built off that basic Touching on Hoy method.
Then there's Touches by ... D'Angelo I believe. I like that method, it takes some guts but it's very good when done right.
Colin Cloud teaches a real-time PK Touch in ... Revelations I think it's called. No - Epiphanies. He doesn't teach the full routine in that book, but enough of the method that you can definitely use it.
Jerome Finley has "Energetic Touches" as well, which is a purely psychological method.

I've never used an electronic device to do a PK Touch routine, as I feel they are not remotely necessary, but they do provide an option for a routine that cannot be done otherwise. For that, there's a device described in Lior Manor's Penguin Live I believe - can't recall the name of it at all. There's also Christopher Taylor's Geist, which is great. And another one, called Spectro Touch by Joao Miranda.

I've seen Geist used in person several times, and Christopher Taylor is an excellent builder. I've never seen the other devices in person.

There's one more ... made by a guy down in, I think, North Carolina. Or Virginia maybe. Chris something. He does a device that is somewhat similar to Spectro Touch.
Oh wow, thank you so much! I have a lot to work with now, so thanks again!
Apr 25, 2020
Awesome! So, I found Psychokinetic Touches by Banachek for sale. Using the technique in the book, would I be able to accomplish this effect:
Two spectators sit on two chairs next to each other. The magician instructs them to raise their arms if they feel someone touch them. The spectators close their eyes. Then the magician touches one person and they both raise there hand.
Anyway, thanks you again!
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