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    Aberdeen Thread

    Hey all! I'll try my best to be vague and yet specific to not reveal anything yet ask the question so it can be understood, and if you know the answer I would appreciate a pm so as to not have to be discreet. My problem with the routine is in the examinabity of the thread pre-effect. I can't...

    Help me find this move!

    The following is a video of Greg Wilson during the explanation video for "Revolution". It's only 7 seconds long and nothing based on his effect is revealed, but he does a move and says how he has no idea what it's called, which sucks because I want to learn it. Any help is hugely appreciated!

    Spitting Fire

    Where does one find a good resource for learning the professional and safest available techniques on learning to spit and otherwise manipulate fire? All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your advice.

    Spitting Fire

    Where does one find a good resource for learning the professional and safest available techniques on learning to spit and otherwise manipulate fire? All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your advice.

    Flash Paper Dealers

    Hello everyone! I'm wondering what vendor you use, online or otherwise, to buy flash paper. I understand it can be expensive but where can it be purchased for a more cost effective quantity? Thanks in advance for your help!

    Wilson's Revolution

    This is a great piece and I love it a lot. However, in the tutorial video, 65 minutes in Greg begins to some aerial top shots with the deck. One of these happened to be one I've been looking for for a while, but was also the only one he didn't know the name of. He said it was thought up by...

    Mentalism Method

    Hello Everyone! I was watching YouTube performances and stumbled upon this wonderful performance. It is a long video but I recommend it if you have the time. Anyways, at 15 minutes in, he does a very simple routine involving 2 spectators writing down information on his pad. The first one...

    What is this kind of effect?

    Hello! My name is Kyle Wessel, I have been doing magic on the streets for a while now but really want to grow into a more stage-oriented type magician. As such, I was wondering where I could find things on grand illusions, especially ones where large objects come out of containers too small to...
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