Search results

  1. Ozzyschach

    Is it good for you or for them?

    It is something that so many of us in the Art are blinded by. It is our own tricks, we make and use tricks that we like, that we enjoy, but will the spectator, or any spectator even enjoy it? If they're tricked, great, if they're fooled, awsome, if they're ashtonished, nice. But it's when...
  2. Ozzyschach

    Guardian Review

    Out of Ten. Fanning-Almost sad, too smooth to fan. 4/10 Faro- Amazing. 9/10 Spread-6/10 a bit too smooth but doable. Spring-Meh. 5/10 Design-9.5/10 Durability 3/10, I FARO'D ONCE WITH THESE CARDS AND ONE ACTUALLY RIPPED, THEY BEND SO EASILY, AND WARP AFTER MOMENTS! Flourishes-4/10 Too...
  3. Ozzyschach

    The Amin Spread

    The Amin spread is a move I made, I don't know it's originality or if it's any good. So please tell me. A card is chosen and put into a seperated packet. With the packet you have you ribbon spread and show your hands and they can do a full search, and the card isn't there. You spead the cards...
  4. Ozzyschach

    Any criticism?

    I have three tricks I do, well there is an additional, and i'll include it too. But give me help on these tricks. 1 m4Gn37 Very much like Blueprint from one on one, but with a different technique. I dribble the cards and call for them to say stop, and confirm they want that card. I out jog...
  5. Ozzyschach

    Unwarping cards?

    I just try and unwarp them by putting them under 10 books + a heavy hunk of metal. It works pretty good. Does anyone else have a way? (Not card clips)
  6. Ozzyschach


    Many reviews of the Tally-Ho cardds have been posted, but this is another addition. Unboxing When you unbox the cards they are surprising, you can barely hold them. Unlike bikes they are so soft in your hands, and feel better then UV500 AirFlow cards. The comes with two Jokers one full color...
  7. Ozzyschach

    Business days?

    I'm sorry if this is the wrong section, but what are T11s' buisness days?
  8. Ozzyschach

    Bicycle Eco Edition

    WARNING WARNING OPINIONS IN USE! This was originally viewed as a collecters item, yet it's potential has gone up. It is 100% recycled and can be recycled, it comes in a cardboard box...
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