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  1. M

    Feedback on Video This is my first video and was just looking for some feedback.
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    I just won the election SNC and I've contacted T11 over and over about the card shipment and my points but they haven't replied. I tried calling them and sending them a message and it's been way over 12 hours.
  3. M

    Card Clip

    I just got the classic clip by D and D but i was wondering if I should keep the box on the cards when they are in the clip?
  4. M

    Magic Shops in Miami

    I was just wondering if anybody knew of any?
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    I was recently performing at a party with a whole range of ages and the younger kids were loving my card routine. An hour or two later the father of one of the kids approached me and asked me if I would be willing to teach his son how to do magic for pay. What should I do?
  6. M

    New Materials

    I've been practicing magic for a while now relying only on Youtube, The Wire, and The Expert at the Card Table. So what I've been wondering is what are some good magic dvds. I know that the trilogy is good but how good in particular?
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