
  1. netyjoon

    MF-JOON`S MAGIC REVIEW: WOW 3 by Masuda Katsuya

    Today I`m gotta review really legendary magic product review I`ll review WOW 3 by Masuda Katsuya. It`s really nice product. it`s the best magic products to buy. Please enjoy the video. Please click like button and subscribe button! - My English isn`t good enough but I tried my best. -...
  2. TimSpinosa

    Swift by Jofer Abata Review

    Check out this new Video by Tim Spinosa. Tim has over 20 years experience performing all types of magic, and would like to share his real world experience and knowledge with you. We do a Real Deal Review of Swift by Jofer Abata. We have a few other videos up, but many more in the works to...
  3. JordyDoust

    Review my controversial blog post

    I'm a magician and wanted your thoughts on my latest blog, as it is quite controversial, and wanted to know if other magicians and laymen approve of what I have to say. my blog post is: How to become a magician I'm not trying to give away magic on my blog, but am merely letting young magicians...
  4. TylerScottIllusionist

    Invisible Card by Blake Vogt Review

    Hey everyone! I decided to review the Invisible Card by Blake Vogt and review it in a video. I have also included a live performance demonstration at a small performance I did at a dining hall at my university. Please excuse the the lack of professionalism of this video. I had been filming an...
  5. TreyPat86

    In the Market for new Cups and Balls

    After several years of use, I'm looking to get a new cups and balls set. I have been using a lightweight aluminum combo set (with chop cup), I believe by Uday. They've served me well, but the lightweight aluminum has been denting far too easily, and the time has come to upgrade. What sets do...
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