
  1. V

    Slippery Cards

    So I'm a beginner to Cardistry, and I've been using two types of cards, the Tally-ho Circle back and the Standard Bikes. I've used the Tally's for about 2-3 weeks now, and the Bikes for only a day. I find that the Bikes slide a lot more that the Tallys, and its easier to do cuts like the...
  2. S

    Slippery Cards

    I recently got a fresh deck of bicycle and the cards are REALLY slippery. Will they get less slippery over time or will they just stay the same? It's just really difficult to control the cards when they freak out all the time. Thank you ;)
  3. lolhammertime

    Any tips on preserving the finish of playing cards?

    It's kinda sad though, that for some reason, cards clump up and lose their finish way faster for me than other people. I've tried washing my hands before using and pretty much every deck loses its finish in 2 weeks (3-4 weeks for Tally-Ho and Bee) and can no longer fan. I don't really like the...
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