Aristocrat Truly Linen Finish Or Magic?

Sep 1, 2007
mastic, ny
Hey Guys,
I was just wondering if the Aristocrats are truly Linen Finish or is it Magic Finish? I know uspcc cut down the amount of finishes and now a days custom decks use Magic regardless what the box states.
Jul 2, 2011
I was just wondering if the Aristocrats are truly Linen Finish or is it Magic Finish?
I'm fairly certain that theory11 didn't lie when they said, on the Aristocrat Banknotes product page, "The Aristocrats are coated with a Linen Finish."

now a days custom decks use Magic regardless what the box states.
No, that's not true at all. The Magic Finish was developed by Ellusionist. Somehow, I doubt that theory11 would be selling a deck with the Magic Finish on its site. Also, if a deck is using a custom finish not developed solely by the USPCC, then the box would say, "Air-Cushion Finish." And lastly, not all decks nowadays are using the Magic finish, contrary to what you're saying. Unless of course, your idea of "custom decks" is "Ellusionist decks."
Feb 4, 2008
My understanding on finish is that most of the big USPCC partners(T11, E, ect) hold enough clout that they can reserve a coating just for their cards. Thus, you wouldn't be able to print on the T11 finish at any price. My understanding is that the Magic Finish is the "high quality" finish that is available to anyone.

You also have to realize that the finish advertised isn't always match up with the final spray coat on the deck. For instance, Cambric, refers to the pattern on the dimples of USPCC cards. So technically all Dimpled cards from USPCC have the same cambric pattern on their surface. That said, only certain cards get labeled "Cambric finish."
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