
Dec 26, 2014
Hey guys, quick question, how do the bee's sold here on T11 hold up and what colour do you prefer?



ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey guys, quick question, how do the bee's sold here on T11 hold up and what colour do you prefer?

Absolutely - our decks are straight from the factory at USPC, and we store everything in a climate-controlled warehouse. They'll arrive to you safe and sound. Overall, red is more popular than blue - but to each his or her own!
So far I've bought two bricks of Bee's from Theory 11; one red and one blue. To be honest I had never used Bee's until that point but once I got them they instantly became my favorite practice decks. I find they break in nice and quick, they hold up pretty well, and I personally love the simple design. For the price they're really hard to beat when buying in bulk.

That being said; due to the lack of boarders I don't normally use them if I'm going to perform for someone (this point can and most likely will be argued). I wont get into it but I just don't feel my "chops" are to the point of being confident enough to do so without slipping up (although that would be the goal eventually).

Color wise it depends on my mood :D
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