Best opener.


Jun 28, 2011
I want to hear ideas for a trick which can be used as the most powerful, magical and reputation-making opener. Because at the moment i dont have a solid opener which i can rely on for giving a lasting impression that what i just did was not only impossible but MAGIC, also, it should set the spectator wanting to see more.
Aug 17, 2010
I'd say it depends on a lot of things.

Best opener for whom? Mine might suck for you, yours might suck for another guy.

For what venue - table hopping and busking have differing requirements, and those are different from performing for friends.

I think it might be more useful to see what effective openers a variety of performers in the venue you're asking about have in common; what is it that makes people gravitate to these tricks?
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA

The "Best" opener/closer or whatever else you want is what YOU find that works best with and for you -- your personality, your skill level, the style of magic you have elected to do. . . the list of variables are as infinite as your choices and NO ONE can point blank tell you what "the best" is going to be, it is something you must define on your own through trial and error. That said, there are a few things to weigh that may help you. . .

YOUTUBE. . . watch as many videos as you can find that show how other performers open their acts be it for stage or close-up; traditional magic or things more bizarre & surreal, etc. Take what you find and experiment with it.

When I was doing table hop work I frequently opened by showing my left hand in a "C" configuration; thumb at the bottom and the first two appendages at the top. . . "Have you seen one of these laying around?" I'd ask, in all seriousness. Realizing there was nothing there I'd correct myself. . . "Oh! Let me dust that off so you can see it better" and voila! A sponge ball would appear from nowhere and thus, I could move into my sponge ball routine. On the other hand one of my first stage acts was a traditional Channing Pollack styled bird act and I appeared via an Abbott Archway Frame -- a puff of smoke and there I was (I love the classics) But years later I'd open with a Dancing Cane & the Sword Suspension (to the tune of "Rock-Me Amadeus")

Then you have Harry Blackstone. . . Jr & Sr both opened with one of two key routines -- the Flower Garden Act or the Vanishing Bird Cage. . . both were seen as being THE BEST FOR THEM. . . signature bits that fit their mannerisms and likewise established a bit about the show and what folks could expect.

The Moral of the Story Is to simply find what works best for you -- what fits you and your concept for the act, there is no one flat answer in that I can't use what you'll use and get the same results simply because we are not the same person.

Hope this mini-lecture helps you out. . .;)
Jan 29, 2008
Your opener definitely depends on you. Max Maven's opener is...he walks onto stage, stares at the audience, pauses, and says "Boo." There isn't a single magician/mentalist that can use his opener because it wouldn't fit their stage persona.

I've seen guys use the magic square as an opener and I'm the type that uses it as a closer.

It is better for you to test out several effects to see which is better for you but your opener should be strong.
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