Best Overall Deck?

Dec 25, 2012
Hey guys! I really liked your opinions on my other thread "Most Classic Deck." Now I want your opinions on an affordable deck that is best for flourishes/fans/cuts/magic tricks/etc. Just overall really good. Also the deck has to have a really good stock like UV-500/other stocks that are really good xD.
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Feb 4, 2008
Do you prefer a soft deck? - anything on Bee Aristocrat stock that was printed on the casino press prior to 2009 or the Web press post 2009. Aristocrat stock run off the standard press are actually disappointing. (Hint- T-11 and D&D cards that use Aristocrat are always on the web press so you can trust those)

Do you prefer a medium stiff stock? Bike and tally ho fit in this stiffness category but if you want high quality cards I would say most of the T-11 cards. Sentinel and Monarchs will perform almost identically so whatever design you like. If price is a concern you can get a really high quality card for a relatively cheap price in the Bulldog Squeezer. They are basically like a Tally Ho but the edges are smoother so they faro more precisely.

If you want a stiffer stock- Move to Europe..... Seriously though, if you like the stiffness of the old UV500s then you will probably love European cards. I would personally recommend, in this order, Fournier 605, Fournier 505, Piatnik club and star club(be careful it is hard to find poker sized Piatniks), and finally the Anglo Rug decks. Avoid Anglo Poker edition decks.....I think they fan once and only once out of the box and clump forever after....Great deck for practicing packet cuts though!


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
"Best" is a useless term when it comes to this sort of thing. There is no quantifiable "best". Try out all the decks you can find. Figure out which one you like.
Hey guys! I really liked your opinions on my other thread "Most Classic Deck." Now I want your opinions on an affordable deck that is best for flourishes/fans/cuts/magic tricks/etc. Just overall really good. Also the deck has to have a really good stock like UV-500/other stocks that are really good xD.

There is no such thing as "best" deck. There is only so much you can do to a deck of cards and most brands produced by the magic community pretty much cover it all. There is nothing a deck of cards can do for you that the presence of skill and practice can't achieve.

With that being said its a matter of personal preference. What decks do you prefer?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Yes, but what's the point of this question? Search around and you'll find it has been asked dozens of times on every magic forum. Ultimately it does nothing for discussion because the response is, "I like X," and, "I like Y". "Ok." Done. Or, less often, it degrades into an argument of opinions.
Dec 25, 2012
How does it degrade? Im just asking you to post some decks that you think are really good in those aspects. Im a new player jesus christ. All i wanted was some opinions so i can pick some decks from ._.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
The reason you are receiving the comments that you are is because literally every week a new guy will come on to the boards and ask the exact same question. For those of us who have been here for a few years it becomes comically redundant. I'm not trying to sound mean but that is just the way it is. Try using our search functions and type in key phrases about decks and see what threads pop up. It is a matter a personal "preference" as to what deck everyone likes to use or calls the best. For me I really enjoy the look and feel of Artifice cards from E, white Ghost deck from E, and our Monarchs that we have here. Do I use any of them in paid performances? Nope...I stick to my $2.00 per pack bicycle cards that everyone recognizes instantly when they come out of my pocket.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
What he said. I've personally answered this question, quite possibly a hundred times. Literally.

And the biggest problem is that there is no answer to the question. Because it's entirely a matter of opinion. Either you're going to agree or you won't. There's no right answer, there's no wrong answer, but there are lots of answers. Rick uses Bikes in performance. I use whatever is nearby. I've done performances with a dozen or more custom decks (not at once, of course). I personally think the Artifice deck is my favorite. The Artisans here look gorgeous in the pictures but I haven't bought them yet.

You're asking for a group to select from, but that group is basically, "All of them." That's why I said get as many as you can and try them all.

Also, here's the secret: Most decks are basically the same inside, they just look different. There's only a couple types of finishes and a couple types of stock. But you'll get people who swear that X deck is better than Y, because the handling is so much different. But really, both those decks are the same, but with different art work.

So buy a bunch of cards. Get the ones you think look cool. Try them out. Figure out which one -you- like. There is no short cut to this.
I'm not trying to berate you over your topic man. I'm just trying to give you a realistic point of view on the subject. Honestly there is only so much "technology", if you will, that can be put into designing a deck of playing cards. Most decks are either cheap mass produced dollar decks or crappy custom print designs, or they're decks produced by magic companies like Theory11 that offer a noticeable difference in how they handle, fan, and shuffle. However comparing different decks against each other that are produced by magic companies is a lot like trying to decide which orange looks the best. They all pretty much do the same thing. A deck of Sentinels, for example, isn't going to handle a lot different than a competing brand such as say Arcanes. So in that light the argument for which deck is the "best" becomes subjective and thus boils down to a matter of personal opinion.

As I've already pointed out, since functionally most decks produced by magic companies aren't going to differ much from each other, (and the visual aesthetic is the only serious difference among them) You really aren't going to be able to perform "better" with X deck over Y deck. Any cardist or magician with sufficient study, and practice, should be able to execute their craft as close to perfection regardless of what brand deck they use. In short buying a brand new brick of X custom cards produced by your favorite company isn't going to magically make you a better card worker. You can only do that through practice, and refinement.

Personally I prefer to use Artifice decks myself. This isn't because they are the "best" decks out there. They don't feel, or function any differently than what a normal cheap 2 dollar red rider back deck would do in my hands. My choice to use them is based purely on the observation that the character I present is a bit out of place, from a different time, and slightly more refined. The cards have a refined elegant look to them which complements my physical appearance. Mark me well though lad, I'm not saying that Artifice decks are the "best". They are just what I am currently using.

I get that your a new guy around here. Don't feel attacked. Feel blessed that you've caught the attention of some of the key players this forum has to offer. People like Rick and Christopher know what they are talking about. By the by, welcome to the forums!
Dec 29, 2011
You really aren't going to be able to perform "better" with X deck over Y deck. Any cardist or magician with sufficient study, and practice, should be able to execute their craft as close to perfection regardless of what brand deck they use.

You're right for fancy custom decks, but some decks really do make it easier to do some flourishing and magic.
Feb 4, 2008
I certainly understand the frustration of many who have seen this thread pop up time and time again. But the truth is, there are others, like me, who are happy to do our best to help a new guy out. As long as there are those happy to answer these questions....what's the big deal?

My real annoyance with some of the answers is the assumption that it "Doesn't make a difference...its all personal choice." There is an element of truth in that. But if someone actually knows what his or her priorities are,( stiff deck, soft deck, good at fanning, good at holding doubles,) then there are actual answers to this guy's question. Anyone who says, or implies, that it is all just looks has never tried bottom dealing with a Fournier or attempted to learn aerial packet cuts with a Stinger.

It is true that a beginner probably wont recognize a difference. It is also true that an expert can do probably any technique he knows with any deck put in his hands. But for intermediates who are venturing into some tough knucklebusters or trying to learn some crazy new flourishes, the right deck for the right technique really can make a difference. Try to learn a table faro with a traditional cut and without and I bet you money you will progress faster with a traditionally cut deck.

So if you are an intermediate or advanced "card guy" who has experimented with a lot of different decks and feel you have some valuable advice for the all means be my guest. If you are an intermediate or advanced "magician" you need to stop, take a breath, add up your card repertoire. If it does not include difficult flourishing, complicated shuffle work, knuckle busting card sleights, if instead the majority of your card work can be done with DLs, passes, simple controls, and you are still using the riffle force, then it is safe to say that you need not offer advice on this subject. You may be a brilliant and advanced magician with 20+ years of experience but if you are still relying on the simple techniques I just mentioned then you are still a "beginner Card Guy." So be a dear, back off, and leave this topic to the guys who know a bit about it.

Andy...I'm happy to give you the best advice I can. If you are worried about getting a drubbing on the public forum feel free to PM me.
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