Book for practical card tricks

Feb 3, 2013
It's entirely possible to set up tricks right in front of a spectator. Someone just posted a video of David Blaine doing just that. It's called routining and knowing your skills.

Anyway, the suggestions you've been given should give you plenty of material to work with.

Dont get me wrong, you are right for that and i definetly do tricks, what reguires set up, what i can do in front of a spectator. But what i really mean that, i dont like tricks, where you have to use gimmicks like double facers, duplicates etc. or you have to set up whole deck.
Feb 3, 2013
What people think about Semi-Automatic Card Tricks book series? Have these books useful practical tricks or lot of setup and cameratricks?
Aug 25, 2012
Most Darwin Ortiz is geared towards intermediate going into advanced card-men. It depends on how much you know I've been doing card magic for the past year and I still struggle with some Ortiz, I'm not 100% familiar with the book of his you stated. As for mnemonica it is HARD the effects are difficult to learn but once you learn the stack you will never forget it! as for the set-up from a New deck order, after a few times you couldn't forget it or the stack the methods provided for learning the stack are pure greatness I never thought of those before. All of the books I could almost highly recommend but you have to understand they are not for the beginner you need to know many moves and have some background in this card scene.
Apr 26, 2013
Definitely check out FASDIU by Paul Cummins. Great, practical material, most of it done completely impromptu.

Above the Fold by Rich Aviles - great refreshing material.

Anything by Jack Carpenter. No, that's not the title of a book, i mean get any published work by Jack Carpenter and the majority of the material will be really solid.

Semi-Automatic Card Tricks is a great series, a lot of people love it. I haven't read it all, but it's pretty good.
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