By Forces Unseen


I watched a video of Ernest Earicks's "bow to stern control" and i was like holy *%$#. So, should i buy By Forces Unseen? It looks to have other good material. I already know Jacksyna(ps)ces, is that the best thing on there?
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you're very advanced, and still want a challenge, go for it - just be warned, it's very hard. How do you know Jacks if you don't have it? It's one of the more commonly reported favourites from there though.
Nov 17, 2007
Haha. Yeah. If you are a master with cards and still want a big challenge, go for it. But, be warned, it is VERY VERY VERY hard.

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
If you're only an average or intermediate card worker, do NOT get this book... you may end up just throwing your cards at the wall in frustration. Even a feew advanced workers will find some difficulty in some of the material. I personally found it very enlightening and fascinating and I currently use at least 5 effects from the book on a regular basis. Excellent, creative stuff!
If you're very advanced, and still want a challenge, go for it - just be warned, it's very hard. How do you know Jacks if you don't have it? It's one of the more commonly reported favourites from there though.

I have a good eye. Most "effects" i can figure out. I have yet to find one ungimmicked effect i can't figure out. But other things, i can't such as controls. Hahah. doesn't make much sense i know. On my own, i also figured out repro retro, the burst, collectors edition, inverted elevator, and thank you lepaul

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