Card To Wallet Transition

Mar 26, 2009
I just got the real mans CTW wallet and its great. I used to use Mesika's but I dont like its design as far as a real wallet goes. My problem however is in routining.
I have a 5 stage ACR that I think is pretty good, utilizing Kostya's undercover switch at first, then tilt, then the card going to the top of the other half of the deck, then a top change, and then chris kenner's shifty. I really wanna incorporate the CTW effect but i'm not sure of a transition here.
Im totally comfortable controling the card and palming its more in the structure of the effect. I dont wanna hear anything about a card to impossible location not being a part of a true ACR, as that is not what this post is about. If you have any ideas for the transition from this ACR into CTW, please share!
Also, if anyone has any ideas for the CTW as a stand alone effect (prediction, reveal, etc.) plz lemme know. I used to present it as a prediction with a folded card in the mesika wallet matching the card they chose randomly from a shuffled deck, but people started asking me if there was still a X card in the deck, so I dunno about this type of effect, but please let me know!


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