Carolina Click Change

Hi, the carolina change and the goat change are completely different! You can find a tutorial, the creator posted it!, so this really wont be exposing it. The carolina change has a gap between the cards, so theres not really a good angle on this change. Now the g.o.a.t change which is created by Dave Buck is awesome, good angles, and hard! I know this cuz he taught me at the New York lecture. And by the way, the production used in the lions trailer is just the center double taught on the trilogy, it has nothing to with a change. To see the goat change, see this link,, it's 1:17-1:30, but you should watch the whole video, its awesome! I really hope this helps, the G.O.A.T change has not been released yet, but hopefully soon it will.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
The guy above me is basically right. The Carolina Click Change is a YouTube tutorial'd change which is inferior to the G.O.A.T Change created by D&D, rumoured to be on their andthensome DVD, a companion DVD to the Trilogy (G.O.A.T stands for Greatest of all Time). GOAT is harder, less angly, and yeah, but unpublished so far. The production is not part of the actual change. You can find the Carolina Click Change tutorial, if it is still up, on the YouTube channel of a guy called nflpalmer. Last I checked I think it was taken down, though..
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