Children and Cards

Jul 25, 2008
Upstate New York
Hey everyone, I have a few questions about kids shows and performing card tricks. I used the search function, and I couldn't find really anything like this, I found other kid show questions and things, but not as specific as this.

Some questions are:

If you perform kid shows, how many card tricks do you do if any?

How well do the reactions come out of the kids?

Do a lot of kids ask if they can shuffle and try to heckle you?

Thats about it. If you have any thoughts on card tricks at kid shows please tell me and post them here.

one word. AGE
now to know if kids like card tricks, just ask them. if they are about 5 and up and they say yes, then good. 5 is a good age, you can go to four, but they might be a little more heckelish. its not that they are trying to be a pain but its just they are curious.
I do about 2 tricks. i do an ambitious card routine. and i use david regals patter using a puppy, kids love that stuff. also u can do a card to mouth, either folded card to mouth or a regular one. usually i do the regular one during the acr, then the kids might wanna see it again, so u can do it again or u can go into a folded card routine.
if you also do a trick where they take a card that isnt theirs and it changes into their card, that works too.

reactions range. sometimes they just smile. but i've talked to people who i show magic too their children, and they were like (this is a few days later) "MY kid was talking about that trick all the way home, blablabla"

kids dont usually ask to shuffle. if u shuffle them, and it looks good enough, they wont ask. also little kids cant usually shuffle.
Jul 25, 2008
Upstate New York
one word. AGE
now to know if kids like card tricks, just ask them. if they are about 5 and up and they say yes, then good. 5 is a good age, you can go to four, but they might be a little more heckelish. its not that they are trying to be a pain but its just they are curious.
I do about 2 tricks. i do an ambitious card routine. and i use david regals patter using a puppy, kids love that stuff. also u can do a card to mouth, either folded card to mouth or a regular one. usually i do the regular one during the acr, then the kids might wanna see it again, so u can do it again or u can go into a folded card routine.
if you also do a trick where they take a card that isnt theirs and it changes into their card, that works too.

reactions range. sometimes they just smile. but i've talked to people who i show magic too their children, and they were like (this is a few days later) "MY kid was talking about that trick all the way home, blablabla"

kids dont usually ask to shuffle. if u shuffle them, and it looks good enough, they wont ask. also little kids cant usually shuffle.

Thanks a lot! One more question though, can you post a link to david regal's patter about the puppy?
Sep 15, 2007
Hey everyone, I have a few questions about kids shows and performing card tricks. I used the search function, and I couldn't find really anything like this, I found other kid show questions and things, but not as specific as this.

Some questions are:

If you perform kid shows, how many card tricks do you do if any?

How well do the reactions come out of the kids?

Do a lot of kids ask if they can shuffle and try to heckle you?

Thats about it. If you have any thoughts on card tricks at kid shows please tell me and post them here.


1.) All the card things I do for kids are color changes.

2.) at 0:07 seconds.

3.) No.
Jul 25, 2008
Upstate New York
Little kids usually prefer visual tricks.
You probably already know this, but keep it in mind.

Oh yeah I know that, I have things like rope tricks, things with silks, and other cool kids tricks, but I didn't know if even showing one card trick would be a good idea. I have a bunch of visual tricks kids and adults will like. But thanks for reminding me.

1.) All the card things I do for kids are color changes.

2.) at 0:07 seconds.

3.) No.

Wow what an awesome reaction from all of those kids. Thanks a lot!

Ha wow look at his face from 0:40 to 0:46 in that video too. I can see you put amazing presentation into your tricks, because without it you wouldn't be getting those great reactions and smiles from everyone.
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Jul 9, 2008
hey bud, i dont do kids shows.... probably should but i have done one. it was my friends two kids party in one. one was turning 12 and the other was turning 7. well she sprung it on me at the last minute so i had to think quick. the only things i had available were the things i do for adults. yet they did take kindly to the effect "In a Flash" by jay sankey and flash paper in general. if they start to lose intrest just finger clip a small piece and so they dont see it, light a lighter and wave your hand over it. when it lights toss it into the air (safely!) and say "Pay attention." or what every you want to say. also rubber band tricks are good. like crazy mans handcuffs and the one were it goes from the first two fingers to the last to just by waving your hand up and down. (someone help me with the name) also they dont sign well so just have them write there birthday down or there name not signed or a picture.... something like that. if you need to borrow anything just ask there parents for the coin or just use your own. hope that was helpful. :)
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