Close up mats

Jul 22, 2013
I have noticed that most close up magicians (if performing at a table) will use a close up mat. I never have used one, as the table itself seems fine to me. Does anyone know why so many people use them?


Elite Member
Jan 8, 2010
Three of the most common reasons for using a close-up mat are;

- To allow yourself to easily pick up cards, coins etc..
- So that no props get wet (from drink spillage) and you don't mark the table tops.
- In some instances, like when using a chop cup you want to eliminate certain noises.

There are various other reasons, like the fact that using a mat gives you an official performance space.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
Most tables are made of wood or metal and are therefore slick. This is a problem, as it requires almost bending cards to pick them up, and spreads are almost impossible. With the friction a close-up mat provides, cards can be easily picked up, spread, and moved around, making for an easier time with sleights and whatnot.
Apr 17, 2013
I have always used on. I have a small one for tables. A lager one for bar work and I have two tables that the top is completely covered in felt with some padding under the fabric. The close up pads serve two functions.

A) It is like a small stage for the close up work. It makes your cards cups balls coins ect ect stand out.
A.2) For some effects like Painting Aces and Card Artistry 1 and 2 you need the friction from the rubber on the back of the mat.
B) It keeps things from talking on the table.
Aug 20, 2013
I try to avoid them and do everything close-up and standing. The less I have to carry around with me the better. I do a lot of mentalism and card work so I haven't seen a need for one yet.
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