
Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
So I had my first paid gig on Saturday, and a couple of stuff happened that sparked interested and some talk with another conjurer, so I want your opinion here is the stuff:

- The biddle coincidence, I was performing the biddle trick when I was spreading the cards out I noticed that the spectators chosen card was between 2 kings and since my patter had the theme of escape, I quickly said " See the 2 kings, the local police in Cardsville captured your card", now I was amazed and now I am trying to work a way in which I could do this by purpose, (PM me any suggestions).
So has this ever happened to anyone, like any non-sandwich effect but you said something improv and you changed your patter?

-Force or no Force, this is well something I read from Magic and Showmanship by Henning Nelms, always try to do a classic force if it does not work out then control the card and glimpse and since in the classic force you spread the cards out, people would less likely to suspect you of any force. I just finished the book on friday and BAM it happened great tip in my opinion, so I glimpsed the card (it was not so genuine muscle reading routine I made ). Has anyone ever done this?

-I then started doing some mentalism with the swami gimmick (love it so much) and using my pickpocketing skills I actually placed that envelop with the spectators thought of place in their pocket, I just saw my chance and I changed my routine and many would say that was stupid of me of sometimes you have to take risks. Also in the envelop I had my business card so I am hoping one of the spectators would spread the news or book me for another gig.Have you ever done something like this before?

I think people should take risks but not all the time and not at every chance they get, the fact that I have seen dvds and books on pickpocketing is better then having no expericence and then you get caught your act fails.

So share your story?
Sep 6, 2009
sounds like you had fun! About the kings, I wouldn't bother. It just adds confusion to a great effect, imo.

Like you, I classic force cards every once in a while, just to add in some practice. When I need a dependable force, I use the riffle force. Gary Outlett is a master of the classic force. He's used it many times on TV, with no other outs.

The idea of putting a business card in the envelope is good. Oz Pearlman's "Ultimate Vacation" involves an envelope, I might start doing it. I love to do effects with stacks of business cards utilizng the "out to luch" principle. You should check out some of Jay Sankey's business card stuff, it's great.
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